Epsteins 'suicide'

His Royal Dryness wonā€™t be Woking for a while

Donā€™t sweat it sid.

Do you think that maybe Andrew canā€™t sweat right for months and then it all comes out of him at once?

Andy says heā€™ll talk to the FBI

Are the Dominoā€™s falling?

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Things looking a bit charred here for the Prince whatever you slice it

Heā€™ll need to use his base instinct

Prince Andrew is a terrible Prince, not apache on Charles.

The UK is holding on by a thread and that thread is the queen. The moment she crocks it all hell will break loose. In fact if I were a betting man I would put good money on her death being the triggering causal effect of WWIII

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He will not have a Purple Reign, although his balls were probably purple when he left Epsteinā€™s flat, the sick bastard

What do Epstein and pizza have in common? Neither topped themselves

Bar the guards being lazy bastards I havent seen much in the way of evidence that it wasnt suicide?

Assisted suicide maybe. They were supposed to check on him every 15 min and didnā€™t check on him all night. I stand by my original opinion that they were paid handsomely to leave him alone for the night.

Bill Clinton shared 26 flights with Epstein apparently. WTF, in fairness.

Itā€™s supposed to be a suicide proof room. Any means by which a person can commit suicide are removed. They werenā€™t. He had a cell mate who was moved out of the cell which further increased opportunity for homicide to occur. A pathologist who witnessed autopsy has since come out and said that broken bones in and around larynx are inconsistent injuries with a suicidal hanging and has come to the conclusion it was a homicide.

Thats not all he shared brah

Go on

He said they are more common in cases of homicide but not unknown in suicide.
I think if there was a conspiracy the assisted suicide thread probably holds more water. In so far as the circumstances were created to allow him top himself. I really donā€™t think someone could enter his cell, strangle him and disguise it as suicide.

Its unbelievable how this isnt huge news. One could accept the camera outside Epsteins cell been broken. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: