Epsteins 'suicide'

Thereā€™ll be fuck all done about it as Epstein(Mossad) was blackmailing sleazeball politicians from both sides.

Come on

Some man to have a hedge fund with 1 billion AUM and no shareholders.

None of them are documentaries, apart from Idiocracy

And no background in trading that kind of money


Iā€™m going with murder here

The whole thing could probably have been done in about three minutes max, especially when there are people in power who want you shut up

Ehud Barak was very close to Epstein and coining it in from him

26 flights together Sid?

What is bizarre and admittedly the whole thing is bizarre is that Epstein had a portrait of Bill Clinton in a blue dress by the stairs in his house.


Dark arts at play?

The indictment of the two prison guards states that surveillance video (there was more than one camera) showed that nobody entered his cell or came near his cell in the eight hours he was alone.

I would say he was reminded of what happened to Whitey Bulger who had his eyes gouged out and tongue cut out a few hours after being transferred to a new prison.

Thatā€™s if he even had a hedge fund at all.

A hush fund.

I thought one camera was conveniently banjaxed?

Behind the Bastards did a very good 2 parter on Epstein and all of it already but last week or the week before they examined this guy and his claim. Painted as an unreliable character, celebrity coroner, was involved in the OJ case and had a few major blunders to his name when he was the NYC coroner (I think they said the whole city - could have been for one of the boroughs but definitely NYC).
Theyā€™re as giddy as anyone for the conspiracy but theyā€™re not buying it.

I get the left are preoccupied with operation ā€œletā€™s get Trumpā€ bla bla bla and have their pitchforks aimed in his direction but maybe they are ignoring the fox guarding the henhouse in the Clintons. Bill Clinton had a penchant for young interns and interns probably werenā€™t as young as heā€™d go. I reckon Jeffrey was a man Bill could go to when he wanted to have some money laundered and have his way with girls that were trafficked for sex. Bill was always a deranged sociopath.


The one outside his cell (conveniently) but there were other cameras in the hallway (apparently).

There is no doubt lots of lads would have wanted him dead, but the easiest way to accomplish that was suicide. Getting in to a prison to kill him or convincing guards to murder him wouldnā€™t be trivial, convincing him to off himself far easier.

Agreed mate, and Hillary was always Hawkish and way more dangerous with regards to world peace.

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The Clintons are vile. They make my skin crawl.