Epsteins 'suicide'

The deep state always engage in subterfuge and try and discredit credible witnesses. 2 British agent employees who spoke during Miami showband massacre “investigation” is a prime example of that. One was dismissed as being insane and thrown into a mental institution of indefinite duration. The other fella was killed. Colin Wallace and Fred Holroyd. Both lives destroyed for telling the truth.

Wasn’t there claims that the cameras were malfunctioning or broken outright?

Hapes of fodder there for the suspicion of moider but in reality, something more like this…

There was actually a rape case filed in which Trump was alleged to have raped a 13 year old girl with Epstein in 1994

If Epstein was murdered, the Trump regime would be the obvious place to look for the simple fact that they are in power, a Trump cabinet member had actually previously covered up for Epstein, and they and the Republican party had the most to lose from Epstein speaking out

Part of the problem with ascertaining the truth and why the conspiracies will run forever on this one, is that the Trump regime is inherently untrustworthy, to say the least, on literally everything

It’s perfectly possible Epstein could have committed suicide or had assisted suicide, but because the US Attorney General is such a hyper partisan, highly corrupt individual, it’s perfectly reasonable to not believe a word he says because he’s been more than willing to lie through his teeth for blatantly political means and is nothing more than a corrupt political fixer for Trump

Neither is it unreasonable to think that the Trump regime would be capable of committing such a crime or outsourcing it, they are in league with plenty of people who would be capable of it

One camera, the one outside his cell.

Was it the Russians Sid?

Of course it was Trump, how did you not all realise this before Sidney told you?

I haven’t a clue

Do you?

What I do know i that the Russians are the world experts at “suiciding” people

You would agree, yes?

Doesn’t mean they did in this case, of course, but it would be foolish to not keep an open mind

You’re the first person here to accuse Trump, pal

Gas cunt

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I reckon it was definitely the Clintons.

They definitely have a bit of history when it comes to people associated with them dying under mysterious circumstances.

@Sidney is scrambling here.

The clintons are upto their necks in shite. I dont see how you can deflect from it.

Except they actually don’t

All of it proven conspiracy theory nonsense a la “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams”

Maybe it was Clinton Morrison though

In light of recent goings on, can Malachy be excluded as a suspect here?

It could have been Jeremy Corbyn

He hates Jews or something, remember

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I would say the Russians would be highly incentivized to keep him alive given the dirt he probably had on a wide range of political leaders.

Possibly, possibly not

Except they do, whether they had anything to do with the dozens of strange deaths is the conspiracy theory, not that these individuals died under mysterious circumstances.

Epstein was a liberal who associated with liberals, who backed the Clinton foundation and who had a portrait of Bill Clinton in a blue dress commissioned.

Interestingly the language used in statements by both Trump and Clinton in relation to Epstein is wholly different.

Trump now believes the crimes Epstein was charged with are “completely unconscionable and obviously criminal.”

At the time, Clinton told through a spokesperson that Epstein was a “both a highly successful financier and a committed philanthropist with a keen sense of global markets and an in-depth knowledge of twenty-first-century science.”

Ureña also said that Clinton and Epstein haven’t spoken in “well over a decade” and that Clinton “knows nothing about the terrible crimes” Epstein was charged with.

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I’d have been as derisory as anyone of the murder theories until it transpires that the camera outside his cell was, by amazing coincidence, out of action.

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Straight out of the Prince Andrew school of nonce playbook.

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