Epsteins 'suicide'

Why would the Russians not want him alive if he had dirt on Republicans and Democrats? Not much use to them dead.

Trump is the only person who we know who has been seriously connected to a crime involving Epstein and that’s the alleged rape of the 13 year old in 1994, the alleged details of which are horrifying

He’s been pictured partying with Epstein clearly under the influence of cocaine, in the company of young women

The rape of a 13 year old is such a heinous crime that even Trump’s cultists would not stand by him if it came out he was actually involved

@anon7035031 has consistently claimed on here that Trump is a “liberal”, you better take that up with him

Epstein’s address book included people from across the political spectrum

Because they want Trump in power and to continue to be, and Ivanka after him

It’s very easy to understand

That doesn’t mean the Russians were involved, but it’s certainly not completely implausible

26 flights?

Just a coincidence?

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Humans are deeply flawed when it comes to finding meaningful explanations of events that seem related but are not causally connected.

Nothing is completely implausible, it might have been aliens.

I find it weird that you keep focussing on Clinton

Trump has actually been named in a case which alleges the rape of a 13 year old and a member of his cabinet actively conspired to let Epstein off with a rap on the knuckles

There is no such case involving Clinton

Therefore Trump is and should be the obvious focus

It seems to me you’re treating this as little more than a sad little game, which I think says a lot about your attitude to victims of sexual abuse

Trump and the Republican party whole have a terrible attitude to victims of sexual abuse

The most recent example of that is Trump promoting Jim Jordan, who multiple witnesses have alleged covered up for a sexual abuser at Ohio State University, to the House Intelligence Committee

Trump has also campaigned on behalf of alleged child sexual abuser Roy Moore

The lax attitude to paedophilia and child sexual abuse within significant elements of the right as a whole is something I find deeply disturbing

I find it weird that you’re not.

The Clintons are a pair of absolute pyschopaths and Bill Clinton is very sick sexual predator.

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Seriously? Nobody got this?

Sid finds it strange that wealthy men were doing coke and hanging out with women in New York in the 1980s.

@anon7035031 has been obsessed with Hillary Clinton for years and alleged everything under the sun about her

It all turned out to be bunkum

That’s the difference between idiots who’ll believe any old nonsense and actual clued in people who have the critical tools to know what’s suspicious and what’s garbage

Generally you’ll find that anything right-wing nutcases believe turns out to be bullshit, but then again right-wing nutcases are all simpletons

But the Clintons are right wing.

Its quite clear the Clintons are far more closely aligned with the late Epstein.

The fact that Epstein had a painting of Bill in a blue dress in his house in Manhatton as alluded to earlier surely suggests they were close mates. With regards to Trump - I’m not a fan but he seems to have been a safer bet in terms of world peace than Hillary wouldve been.

I always maintained that election result was the lesser of two evils.

That’s a really weird post and smacks strongly of apologism for Epstein’s crimes

You obviously don’t find it strange that a 13 year old would be raped by two grown men

That’s frightening

It’s “quite clear” :smile:

OK m8

You’ve literally been posting the same post for the last three years and still have no more insight than you had in the first place, which was zero

Your dismissal of the rape case is noted, but sure confirmation bias is all the rage these days

Trump is a narcissist on a get rich quick scheme but bar put his cronies in jobs so they can also get rich what harm has he done? No wars, no major policies actually implemented, just a lame duck really but compared to his predecessors harmless. But he says offensive things. And to the snowflakes words are what really matter, not actions


I would agree with this.

Trump is a tactless chap who will say a lot of things he shouldn’t but he’s nowhere near as dangerous as the Clintons.

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Of course, a thick as shit white Irish male can’t understand what harm he’s done to people

Funny that

Funny how as long as white males don’t get harmed, it literally doesn’t exist

One thing is an absolute certainty and that is that when Trump is no longer president, he will be immediately ranked 45th out of 45 presidents, and deservedly so

Thank the lord she didn’t win it. Slime from the bottom of the swamp. The Dems fucked themselves robbing Bernie of the election. But… Russia