Epsteins 'suicide'

I have no clue to the answer of this but of say the US presidents of the last 100 years where would Trump rank in terms of the US military murdering innocent people on his watch compared to others?


Thats a tricky one given the proliferation of drone strikes. With regards to new wars he has done well though.

I know it doesnt sit well with some but a working relationship between Russia and the US is very important.

That’s a really weird post and sadly typical of your propensity for labelling everone who disagrees with you as a rapist, nazi, etc.

Grow up for fucks sake you’re like a 12 year old in a 40 year old body.

What lads here can’t hack is the dignity that Clinton has carried herself with since the election

She’s called out the things that need to be called out, the things which threaten to consign the little democracy that is left in the US to the history books

And she’s been thoroughly exonerated and vindicated, which really annoys the misogynists here

The way she stood up the misogynist scum in the Republican party is only to be admired

There’s a deep and hilarous sexual anxiety about her with certain posters here - you can always tell the virgins and the dirty creeps - they hate her

Meanwhile the treacherous scumbag in the White House continues to destroy US society from within, operate Russian foreign policy from inside the White House, enable genocide abroad and epitomise all that is worst in humanity, and with any luck will end up behind bars

The posters that admire him here are exactly the ones you’d expect - the morons

More fool you for replying.

We need a new thread for election year, minus the endless back and forths.

Oooft, the morons are queuing up, that triggered em

Ireland would still be blowing itself up were it not for Bill and Hillary

I think the vast majority of people who would put themselves out there to be leaders of countries are cunts under it all, especially a country like America with such an opinion of themselves.

Obama is almost seen as a saintly figure but his behaviour with the water in Flint showed him to also be a complete cunt

She’s married to a sexual predator. If you don’t hate Clinton then you’re the misogynist.

You are the greatest example of confirmation bias on this site, if not the entire Internet.

You literally believe anything as long as it fits your worldview, and will deny anything that doesn’t. You constantly believe allegations that are without evidence and make up conspiracy theories to explain away allegations that have evidence. A simpleton basically.

Most married women are

Peace in Ireland would not have been possible without Gerry and Martin.

Trump being a bad person isn’t mutually exclusive of the Clintons being bad people @Sidney

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They did wonders for Ireland and played a massive part in the peace we now enjoy

The sex predator currently in office sacked all the workers at the golf course he bought and rehired them on minimum wage, cost the taxpayer millions, and you have utter simpletons eulogising him

It’s hard to work out if it’s the racism or the underage rape that has them eating out of his hand

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Bill was a sexual predator and Hillary was his facilitator.

Back when Bill was Governor of Arkansas one of his favourite moves was to a hire a pretty young secretary. After a few weeks he would call her into his office to take a memo she would step in and find Bill jacking off at his desk, ready to spew all over the place just as she walked in. If she didnt like it or talked too much she’d be sacked. Fairly similar to the #metoo stories that have since come out about Weinstein and the like.

Hillary didn’t give a fuck so long as she was married to the Governor.

When Monica Lewinski first became a public figure Hillary had the most prominent feminists in America publicly slut shame her. She stuck by Bill because she needed his money to get into office herself and because she’d known for decades what he was like and she didn’t give a fuck.

Edit: Hillary actively assisted in discrediting, humiliating and intimidating her husband’s victims. She did this for decades. Some of the women had been raped by Bill.


It was a combo of Hume/Trimble then Gerry/Gusty all comandeered by John Major and Hillary Clinton with a dabble of sauce from Bill Bertie Bruton Blair

Obviously Bush jn holds the record in recent decades. Obama was doing OK until he appointed Hillary as Sec of State, who proceeded to cause wreck in Libya and Syria. Appointing her to that role was one of his biggest mistakes as president.

Right-wingers always project

You’ve literally described yourself perfectly

You are a laughing stock here

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Exactly, she also threatened Juanita Brodderick who there is litttle doubt that he raped violently.

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