Epsteins 'suicide'

They are two of the most vile, amoral people on the planet.

I can’t understand the psyche of a politician, they are really fucked up people in the head.


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Stop defending the serial sexual predator and rapist Bill Clinton and his enabling wife mate, it’s most unbecoming. Trump is a sexual predator, Clinton is a sexual predator, it’s quite easy to be reasonable and balanced on these issues.

No I’m a lifelong socialist and feminist, pro-Bernie, fuck Bush fuck Trump. But that’s just facing reality about the Clintons.


The real thing the creeps here hate is how Hillary continually speaks up and says what she thinks, and that what she thinks is usually correct, not always, but usually

Look at @anon7035031 - he thinks Melania Trump is “classy” because she stays silent - that’s the way the Trumpbots like their women - silent

He calls Hillary “grotesque”

The creepy insecurity dripping off him - toxic masculinity if ever there was

Insecure men feel deeply threatened by her - they always do by strong women

How anyone can support the Clintons is beyond me.

Bernie Sanders seems like a good guy, far too decent for US politics.

It’s how Crooked Hillary likes her husband’s victims too.

What’s your view on Bill Clintons 26 flights with Epstein Sid?

How about when she voted for the war in Iraq?

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When you realise how dishonest and corrupt most US politicians are the distrust of government that drives second amendment support for many yanks starts to make sense

How appropriate you’ve adopted the language of Prince Andrew about Epstein

It’s in keeping with your apologism for serious child sexual abuse so far here

I see, you’re a millenial then. You’re saying your peaceful existense in this country owes nothing whatsoevr to the Clintons then?

She was wrong but at least has the excuse that she voted based on evidence fabricated by the Republican party with the specific intention of fabricating a casus belli

Trump of course also supported it before lying that he didn’t

Sure the Trumpbots on here actually support the use of nuclear weapons

You’d swear some lads almost preferred what life was like during the troubles

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It kills them to admit that the Clintons played a pivotal role in peace in Ireland

They’d far rather tug the forelock to a serial rapist shit intent on returning the world to the dark days of 1930s fascism

These eejits are devastated that they live in an unheroic age and are desperate to be heroes, all from the comfort of their armchair

Probably all closet homosexuals too

Trump is the racist superhero they aspire to be, he genuinely is what they think masculinity should be

The insecurity and theta maleness dripping off them all is comical


This article would dispute that point.

Trump is irrelevant, we’re talking about the Clintons. Being no worse than Trump is not a good thing. Clinton voted to murder hundreds and thousands of innocent people and repeatedly backed military intervention in foreign countries

They long to run into a mobile shop with a balaclava over their head and shoot a man and two teenage girls dead

Bit like Trump cultists actually, a very similar ideology

It’s a pity, it really is. No wonder the likes of Grealish can do and say what they like

An outrageously weak response. You might as well say that the Catholic Church could never be criticised for sexual immorality because they contributed to the peace process. It’s a different issue, one doesn’t excuse the other, you’re in a moral quagmire.

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Trump is irrelevant?

I wish, mate, he’s the president, this is a thread about Epstein, Trump has been named in a case in which a 13 year old alleges she was raped by him and Epstein

Your little intervention here certainly is irrrelevant though

Any chance you could shriek “but Obama!” to complete the bedwetter’s bingo?

@maroonandwhite is probably too scared