Epsteins 'suicide'

It’s weird how lads here go mental when I say anything about Paddy Jackson but simultaneously are only too willing to act as judge, jury and executioner as regards Bill Clinton

The same lads tend to eulogise Trump

Rank hypocrisy and they cant be taken remotely seriously

The only strong woman you ever met chased you out of Oz with your tail between your legs.

Clinton voted to murder hundreds and thousands of innocent people and repeatedly backed military intervention in foreign countries

Do you support this?

Bill Clinton had many good atributes, he was a pragmatist and was able to work across the aisle unlike most politicians today. He deserves some credit for the peace process (not sure what Hillary did though cc @Lazarus) but the same has to be said for John Major and Albert Reynolds, and obviously all the NI politicians who participated.

Fundamentally though the conflict had ran it’s course (unwinnable since the mid 70s), wars are either won decisively quickly or drag on until both sides tire of killing.

Nobody on here eulogises Trump, that’s your imagination.

Paddy Jackson was acquitted, and you were wrong, accept it. Clinton like Trump is a lifelong serial sexual predator.

You have called Brett Kavanaugh a sexual predator even though there is zero evidence to back up this claim, if you have some please bring it forward. Once again, an allegation without evidence.

Yet you skirt around the point and bring the Catholic church into it. As it happens a Catholic priest was instrumental in planting the roots of peace, Fr Alec Reid, amongst others. They probably don’t cover this in the leaving cert yet though so you’re forgiven child

You just agreed with his point, well done.

Nonsense. I’m educating the lad as I’ve oft done for youself. Takes a lot more than avillage to create the peace. To hate people for whatever happened since is you’re own shout but Irish history will always hold the Clintons close to it’s brow on account of what they helped acheive where so many failed before them

You have quite the fascination with her, don’t you

How interesting how your sexual fantasies seem to involve me

I just said she was wrong to do that, mate

Are you a bit slow of learning?

Do you accept that the US government fabricated evidence to manufacture a cassus belli?

There were many good people who were hoodwinked into voting for the Iraq War as the US government whipped up a frenzy

It was tragic but the US government and to a lesser extent the British government of the time bear the main responsibility

What do you think of Trump taking a unilateral decision to leave the Kurds to be slaughtered?

You’ve been eulogising him on here for the last four years mate

You’ve adopted bogus Trump talking points on literally every issue, it’s absolutely hilarious how blinkered and deep into the cult you got yourself

At least own it instead of trying to weasel out like you are now when you know full well you’ve made a fool of yourself for the last four years

Paddy Jackson was acquitted, that doesn’t stop me having an entirely legitimate view on whether he did it

Clinton might well be a sexual predator but he’s nowhere near Trump’s league based on what we know, and he isn’t implicated in the rape of a 13 year old like Trump

The complete airbrushing of this fact by several posters here is a dreadful reflection on this forum

There is very strong evidence he was a sexual predator

Of course you don’t count the personal testimony of women as evidence - under your idea of what the law should be nobody would ever be convicted for rape

When women speak up, you vilify them as you did to Christine Blasey Ford

You don’t have to make your hatred of women, especially strong and courageous women, quite so obvious

Read the article I posted above and you’ll see that the main reason Hillary voted for the Iraq war had nothing to do with government lies. Her actions since then as regards military intervention are consistent with voting for the war so I don’t believe it was just a mistake either.

Everybody knows Trump is a horrible cunt mate, we’re talking about Clinton here

The thread is about Epstein, mate

You can talk about what you want, you don’t get to decide what other people say, much as you want to do that

Funny how lads here manufacture a reason to blame Clinton for everything

Apparently she was the one who started the Iraq War now, not Bush

Apparently she started the wars in Libya and Syria, not the Libyans and Syrians, you’d swear listening to some eejits here that they were all getting along famously

And then, with a straight face, in their next breaths these same eejits proclaim that the Libyans and Syrians have been slaughtering each other since the year dot

These eejits can’t make up their mind whether Muslims are inherent savages or whether Clinton was an evil Machiavelian genius pulling the strings and starting wars all over the place

Perhaaps they really do think it is both

But sure anything to excuse their child emperor Trump and their soft gay porn idol Putin

Lads here are completely obsessed with Hillary Clinton, it’s hilarious

And sexual inadequacy is transparently at the root of it all

Shut up Goebbels.

The hilarious thing about right-wing nutcases is that the one thing they complain about most is getting called a Nazi

And that’s the one thing they’ll always then do

They say they’re for freeze peach and then tell people to shut up

These eejits can’t help chasing their own tails, to be fair I’ve seen dogs who are genuinely more intelligent than lads like @Watchyourtoes, so I suppose it’s not fair to make of fun of lads like him

Back to Epstein, here’s a decent podcast I was listening to. Fascinating how he ingratiated himself.

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Look mate, I know you think of yourself as a Sidney light, but you are arguing for arguments sake with no substance. Every human, let alone public figures, is a complex mix of good and bad. Clinton was a disgusting sexual predator, and allegedly raped a number of women, that doesn’t mean he didn’t do many good things, including overseeing a great US economy in the 90s, and promoting peace in NI. It is not just possible, but normal, for people to do both good deeds and bad.

There are many who should be lauded for their efforts to bring about a just society in NI, those who stood up to sectarian abuse whether the early civil rights leaders or those who participated in the armed struggle. At a time when lickspittles in the “Republic” stood idly by. By the mid 90s the time had come for peace, no individuals should be given too much credit for it.

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There you go again, mindlessly believing allegations without actual evidence against those you oppose, while defending an actual disgusting sexual predator like Bill Clinton because of your perception he is on “your side”.

Please provide your evidence that Brett Kavanaugh is a sexual predator. While you are at it please provide the defense for Bill Clinton in his alledged rape of Juanita Brodderick. Keeping in mind that every women who worked with Brett Kavanaugh during his adult life defended him, while Clinton continued to pursue younger women his entire adult life, a life full of sexual scandals.

Think about what you are claiming. You don’t believe Juanita Brodderick, who claimed to her colleagues after her encounter with Bill Clinton that he raped her, and still claims it today, decades later. But you believe Blasey Ford, whose account of her encounter with Brett Kavanaugh was discounted by her friend who she claimed was present at the event in question.

Put up or shut up. Outline why you believe Blasey Ford but don’t believe Juanita Brodderick.

Gas cunts

I’m sure you’re right mate, but try looking at it this way.
Epstein facilitated numerous powerful figures in the procurement of young girls and filmed them
He somehow procured a hedge fund of a billion quid with no investment knowledge or track record
He could have been terminal to the career, reputation and possibly fortunes of some powerful people.
He was arrested as just about the highest profile prisoner in America.
He was put on suicide watch in a cell 15 feet from the desk of the guards.
The guards missed 32 sequential mandatory checks according to themselves.
The only camera filming events at his cell door was the only camera not working.
A pathologist has given an unrefuted opinion that his injuries are inconsistent with suicide by hanging.
In my considered opinion, its not that much of a leap.