Epsteins 'suicide'

Paddy Jackson was also guilty as fuck. Ulster rugby, the Clintons and the Catholic Church, all a pack of sex abusers, all supportive of the peace process also but that’s a separate issue and no excuse.

In his book The Wisdom of Psychopaths, researcher Kevin Dutton explored just how similar the country’s presidents and psychopaths really are.

Dutton describes psychopaths as brilliant, calculating, often highly intelligent people, who feel no emotion and don’t even understand what an emotion is or why non-psychopaths feel them.

Steven Rubenzer and Thomas Fashingbauer, a forensic psychologist and professor of psychology respectively, sent a personality survey used to determine psychopathy to the biographers of every U.S. president in history.

The biographers had to complete the survey based on how they thought their subject would respond.

The results, according to Dutton’s book, revealed that “a number of U.S. presidents exhibited distinct psychopathic traits, with John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton leading the charge .” (emphasis ours.)

Lads, pile in, @Tank just called Jackson a rapist, this must be confusing for yis

Christine Blasey Ford and others provided the evidence

You don’t count it as evidence because you don’t count women’s testimony as evidence

Unless it’s against a Democrat!

But even in that case it doens’t work for you

Juanita Broaddrick swore under oath that she wasn’t raped

That is a pesky fact which you still haven’t gotten over

You like rape and sexual predation, as long as it’s by somebody you like, hence you simply dismissed every charge against Trump

It’s very notable how you’ve stayed so silent about Jim Jordan covering up sexual abuse at Ohio State, isn’t it

Ah, he’s a Republican, and the sort of “own the libs” Republican you like, isn’t he

Juanita Brodderick has stated publically why she didn’t accuse Bill Clinton publically, she was afraid of the repurcussions, given the treatment others who accused Bill were subjected to (and there’s plenty evidence to support that, every woman who accused Bill was attacked with a smear campaign). Juanita Brodderick was also not the only one who accused Clinton of sexual assault, Kathleen Wiley and Paula Jones also accused him.

You are guilty of what you accuse me of, denying the testimony of three women who claimed they were assaulted by Bill Clinton.

Juanita Brodderick was a Democrat who supported Clinton, so had no reason to falsely accuse him. There is contemperaneous evidence from three friends and her future husband who she told at the time she was raped by Bill, and she had witnessed physical injuries to back up her claim. Not overwhelming evidence, but more than just an allegation 40 years after the event.

Blasey Ford has no supporting evidence, her claimed witness denied the event even took place, she told no one at the time, and changed her story multiple times. She also is a liberal Democrat who was adament that Brent Kavanaugh should be stopped given her opinion of his views on abortion rights.

You are wrong again, but what’s new.

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So you’ve decided arbitrarily that you believe Broaddrick and not Blasey Ford, based entirely on the political affiliation of the accused and the accusers

Thanks for that

We already knew that’s how you operate though

None, I tend to believe Brodderick given the supporting evidence, in particular Clinton’s history of sexual assault and the public attacks on his victims.

If you have supporting evidence for Blasey Ford’s claims, please provide it. Sexual predators tend to be repeat offenders (like Clinton and Trump - see what I did there?), not alone are there no other even remotely credible claims against Kavanaugh, all of the women he worked with during his long career spoke on his behalf.

Broaddrick freely testified under oath she wasn’t raped

The FBI refused to investigate all the claims against Kavanaugh based on political pressure, therefore it wasn’t a proper investigation

It’s amazing how you supported these claims being swept under the carpet

Kavanaugh was manifestly unfit to sit on the Supreme Court

Neither is Clarence Thomas

Brodderick did not testify under oath, she signed an affidavid. Any testimony she provided to Ken Starr has never been released.

She clealy was afraid to publically accuse Clinton, who was president at the time. Here are Broaddrick’s exact words “I was afraid of what would happen if I came forward. I was afraid that I would be destroyed like so many of the other women have been”.

Why would you doubt her when that’s exactly what happened all women who accused Clinton?

You believe the rape claim against Trump, made by someone who was 13 at the time. Yet they have never pursued the claim, and never been identified.

Why do you think this person who is now in their 40s, not come forward and publically accused Trump? Might she be afraid of the repercussions like Broaddrick was?

The sole witness that Blasey Ford identified has denied the event in question ever took place and testified to the FBI that she was pressured by supporters of Blasey Ford to lie on her behalf.

an affidavit is sworn testimony.

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She swore under oath

So did Blasey Ford

After Blasey Ford’s testimony you trawled the far right ratholes of the INTERNET in order to try and dig up stuff that would discredit her

It was pitiful

Correct, but she has stated clearly why she signed it. She was afraid she would be subjected to the same attacks other accusers were subjected to.

Why are you defendiung the serial sexual predator Bill Clinton and calling one of his many accusers a liar? It’s despicable misogny, based solely on political bias.

Resorting to lies now, normal fare when you have your ass handed to you.

There’s not one lie there

The Republicans desperately tried to discredit her, it was utterly shameful - that party is an irredeemably misogynist institution

You desperately tried to discredit her - you did it again in one of your above posts here

The so called FBI “investigation” was disgraceful and was designed by the Republicans to produce a pre-meditated outcome, which it did

This regime does that with literally every issue, that’s why it has a mafia-type fixer as Attorney General

Please provide the evidence for your claim that Kavanaugh is a sexual predator, a claim I have never seen anyone else make.

It is quite hilarious that you are defending an actual sexual predator while smearing Kavanaugh, solely because one is a Democrat and one a Republican.

Hoisted by your own petard.

Christine Blasey Ford’s evidence was extremely damning for Kavanaugh

You don’t count it as evidence because you don’t count the personal testimony of women as evidence - unless it happens to align with your right-wing political interests

It is evidence and extremely damning evidence

No, I correctly stated that Juanita Broadddrick swore under oath that she was not raped

I correctly stated that Christime Blasey Ford gave extremely credible testimony, which is very much very credible evidence

These are facts

Em, no

That’s you - you are erroneously accusing me of doing the exact thing you are doing

I am going purely on the evidence

Kavanagh is another sexual predator and another supporter of the peace process.

Sid, Forde had no evidence other than her word against Kavanagh’s her witnesses all deserted her but #IBELIEVEHER

Edit: if Forde had evidence then Clinton’s accusers had evidence too, their own word.

Broadddrick swore under oath that she was not raped

This is an inconvenient fact

Blasey Ford’s sworn testimony is enough to determine that Kavanaugh was a sexual predator and not fit to sit on the Supreme Court

Blasey Ford’s testimony was not a criminal trial, it didn’t have to be of criminal proof standard

It only had to be strong enough to ascertain if Kavanaugh was likely a sexual predator, and it was more than strong enough to do that

The Republicans are more than happy to have sexual predators sit on the Supreme Court - for many of them it’s a feature of Kavanaugh, not a bug, as they are an institutionally pro-sexual abuse party

Sexual predators tend to be repeat offenders, and not give up their activities after a spot of it when they were 17. Even if you accept Blasey Ford’s account, there was no actual sexual assault, and yet you say this is worse than an actual violent rape.

Do you accept Bill Clinton is a sexual predator (like Trump) and has been all his adult life?

Do you accept Broaddrick was afraid of Bill Clinton and that’s why she was reluctant to go public and when dragged into the Paula Jones case against her will signed the affadavid? It’s remarkable that you deny this as it is highly likely not just plausible. Especially in the time involved when women were afraid of powerful men, and Clinton was at the time the governor (a man she campaigned for) and later the fucking president.

What has been Juanita Broadrick’s motive since 1999, 20 years ago, of claiming she was raped by Bill Clinton? Are you calling her a liar? Strange from someone who says women claiming sexual assault should be believed.

Clinging on to the affadavid issue to defend Clinton is despicable defense of a most likely rapist.

Just admit you are wrong mate.

I laid out the facts for you in my previous post

They are the facts

Facts don’t care about your feelings