Epsteins 'suicide'


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That may be an uncomfortable truth for some, As would this

They were some pair for the auld high end socialising.

Occam’s Razor.

He was worth ~$600M whem he died, how did he accumulate this wealth? Yes he had a hedge fund but it had no official clients and never traded assets, so was likely a front. His money almost certainly came from very rich clients who paid him for access to his island.

He almost certainly committed suicide but likely had help, the guards were likely paid off to provide him with the materials and time to end his life. He had plenty incentive to kill himself, the conditions he was in, his outlook, his wealth confiscated, a far worse death awaiting him.

The most interesting aspect is who was protecting him from earlier prosecution, most likely imo he did a deal with the CIA and handed over his client evidence (photos and videos). There is nothing the CIA covet more than dirt on foreign leaders.

You mean he was in on his own murder?

Assisted murder?

Triggered by laughing at kimmel?

Why are you going to bat for him, that’s real triggered. There’s definitely a few wrong un hints with you. As there is with most virtue signallers. All the holier than thou climate and woke bullshit covering up for something I wonder.

Not up to speed but that didn’t stop you posting ten times


Epstein’s faked suicide is probably the only ‘conspiracy theory’ I believe to be likely (at least 50/50) true. And when the list is published it will probably become even more likely

If this guy ‘fake suicided’, this means he was murdered. Now, is it a case that ‘they’ being whoever may have been a client of his underage shenanigans organised and trusted a jail gang like the Aryans, the bloods or crips to carry this out successfully, make it look like a suicide and never mention it again to anyone? This is LA-LA-Land stuff. Do we suspect that maybe some specialist covert operative dressed in a prison warden’s uniform with a duplicated card and keys, with memorised knowledge of the prison layout and his cell manage to get into the building. For a forum full of roasters that for the very most part never used copious amount of drugs, there’s definitely a few lads that their brains most certainly didn’t need the help to get into some ‘out there’ psychological spots. In other words, crackpots.


How convenient. Mi5 and the cia specialise in entrapment, counter insurgency, blackmail, nudge units, coups and a hape of underhand nefarious methods of influencing and motivating individuals, populations and governments. All conspiracies ofbine sort or another

Do you believe two prison guards tasked with minding a high profile prisoner both fell asleep?



From someone who worked as night security for a period when I left school, yes. That’s pretty much what happens. Your brain is signalling to your body to sleep because it’s nighttime, everything is quiet, and you drift off. You are paid not to, but this is what happens.

Okay, according to the Guardian’s synopsis of the full document that I have no interest in fully digesting, here is the worst of it.

One document included a deposition given by Johanna Sjoberg, whom Maxwell allegedly procured for the purpose of performing sex acts on Epstein.

Sjoberg said in her deposition that Epstein “said one time that Clinton likes them young, referring to girls”.

Epstein told some young sex worker that Bill Clinton likes young women. O-M-G…Was the crap on this thread ACTUALLY worth it?

OMFG dream come true for the lefty woke fruitcakes, Trump’s name appears four (4) times on the list.

One of Epstein’s victims was asked:
Did you ever see Donald Trump at Jeffrey Epstein’s New York penthouse? No
Did tiuy ever see Donald Trump at Jeffrey Epstein’s Florida house? No
Did you ever see Donald Trump at Jeffrey Epstein’s island? No
Did you ever see Donald Trump anywhere with Jeffrey Epstein? No

He’s fucked now.



So Trump wasn’t raping children and he actually banned Epstein from Mar a Lago years before.

Meanwhile the liberal elite were island hopping on the regular.

Trump deserves massive credit for saving America by keeping those creeps the Clinton’s out of the oval office again.

What a night for the decent silent majority.

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Would I be right in saying that the only person criminally or civilly accused in court of abusing women apart from Epstein and Maxwell was a British Royal? Not exactly a liberal elite.

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With the exception of the goosestepping Harry, the British Royal family are as pretend woke as you could get, in fact they literally set the standard. Charles and William agonizing over carbon emissions in the 775 room Palace or one of their other dozen properties, none of them shabby.

But as the Queen said about world leaders “all talk and no action”


It’s a pity that wasn’t the case when Clinton and other woke types landed on Epstein Island.