Epsteins 'suicide'

Both Maxwell and epstein were convicted of trafficking minors for sex. Both trump and cllinton were massive friends of epstein. Clinton was on the plane a tonne of times. Trump talked about how good a mate of epsteins he was for years. Iā€™d say its as close to being a dead cert in both cases as is possible to guess.


Bono flew in to sing to them while they raped minors (allegedly)

Itā€™s the equivalent of riding well in the Tour in the 90s or 00s and saying you werenā€™t doping. But had the same doctor as admitted dopers.

Possible. But very very unlikely

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With or without your consent


Ah the Barcelona defence.

But the MAGA morons and @awkwardsquad want to ignore Trumpā€™s connections with Epstein or gloss over them anyway and get all triggered regarding Clinton. Iā€™m sure those connections were totally innocent etc.

I think trump had epstein banned from mar a lago, allegedly.

you allegedly think that?

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Instead of calling the police, which what most would do?

ā€¦it was widely reportedā€¦Iā€™d need to do my own research before taking a firm stance on the matter

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Trumpā€™s public statements show he knew Epstein was a paedophile and continued to associate with him.

The whole Trump movement is effectively a front for the protection of paedophiles.

A Rattle and Hum number

Youā€™d suspect he maybe wasnā€™t inclined to check the birth certs. Both trump and clinton are deeply seedy.

Thereā€™s barely anything worse than being labelled a paedophile, I commented because I suspect that when Trump said that Epstein and he like them young he was likely referring to young women, not children.
We know for a fact that Clinton and Trump had a predilection for young women


Youā€™re on a roll today pal

Was that after he gave him a glowing referwnce and said they were great mates in the New Yorker?

Songs of innocence and songs of experience

I assume so, assuming he banned him and give him a reference

Well rested after Christmas and ready for another year of Pun-ishment

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