Epsteins 'suicide'





As a big fan of midgets, Hawkings request is extremely bizarre. Why undressed?


Nick Wright nailing Rodgers for the second time in a week


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I’m always reminded of this when I hear Nick Wright speak. 15 minutes of scutter.


This guy is knocking it out of the park. The headbangers get very hot under the collar when they called out on their psychobabble bullshit

Lol What a world we have created

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Honestly peoples. Just liaten to parts 1, 2 and 3. We’re never really going to have a clue, but It’s easy to get a sense of what’s going on. The truth probably lies somewhere between pizza gate and ‘it’s all trump’s fault’…leaning bit more towards pizza gate, right enough.
CIA, M15, kincora, the finders, the podestas, republicans, democrats, epstein alefantis etc. Just be glad you’re miles, cultures and pay grades away from any of these sick fuckers


Cooper drank the kool aid a long time ago

You obviously haven’t listened to a second of it. Its a great piece of work, and it doest spend a second telling you what to think. Cooper has an excellent, inpartial and well researched body of work nehind him. No wonder hes controversial.
Out of the several hours what was it that you objected to, or can say was erroneous…I’m guessing absolutely nothing?

I introduced you to Cooper pal. No need to be getting all hot under the collar, a simple thank would suffice.
He lost the sense of balance that worked so well for him one time, pity but its a familiar theme with smartest guy in the room types nowadays

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Really? Fear and loathing, serving man etc?

If only I’d known then what I know now

A fucking imbecile who is a pound shop version of Skip Baylis, Rodgers is a dickhead too mind.

Clinton liked them young apparently

Nothing worse than a modern day individual who gets his ‘facts’ and opinions from podcasts.


I never had you down to be a tinfoil hat merchant


You’ve a lot to answer for ol friend. You sent poor Ambrose and mouse down the same path there I see on that. Dangerous place is the INTERNET when you’ve as strong an E-rep as yours. Very dangerous.