Epsteins 'suicide'

Norris is a fucking weirdo anyway, all that James Joyce shite and bloomsday, who the fuck sits down and reads that and says they enjoyed


it wasnt even that that did for him. it was the letter he wrote seeking clemency for his ex lover in israel whod been jailed for raping an arab youth

Yes, The Spartans made all 12/13 year old boys take an older male lover.

Is this the NY Post saying “it was murder”?

Basically he killed himself by just holding his breath.

That’s the first thing that came to mind. Avon barksdale up to his old tricks again.
David Norris definitely a dodgy bastard. Michael D is another one. This poetry is a smokescreen for other activities. Definitely a pufter.

Jesus Christ!

It’s spelled “poofter”.


I’m delighted to have you chase me around for spelling, pity you can’t correct my punctuation while your at it. Keep it the good work.

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FFS! Take no interest in that poofter poetry stuff lads. In fact take no interest in any sort of literature, art or any of that poofter stuff. Be illiterate, like @anon26343222

‘lads’ :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: the strangers of the Internet. Are they your friends or something? You really are a loser. A loner in real life no doubt. ‘lads’



When iv someone looking for photos for ten minutes my job is done.

do you work in a microfiche place, or one hour photo?

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On the subject of weirdos reading books, I was just thinking of The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. If Sylvia had known that you can commit suicide by just holding your breath, it would have saved her a lot of trouble in that book.

An awful lot of hangings do not take place from a height. Plenty of people manage it with a ligature tied around door knobs and the likes with phone cables etc.

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Michael huchence

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Paul spector in the fall managed it.

I have it on good authority that wasn’t suicide either, accidental.