Epsteins 'suicide'

well he always did things INXS

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it was MI5, he upset Geldof who is a favourite of the Queen


Wasn’t Geldof shouting at him over the phone and threatening him not to fuck with Sir Bob Geldof the night before he died?

he stole his woman, he had to go

He was having a wank in his wardrobe some sort of erotic asphyxiation the weirdo and it went wrong

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Apparently that will give you an unrale orgasm

A Tory MP went the same way. Though that will surprise nobody.

he choked the wrong chicken

What a surprise that the far right knew about Epstein’s death before anybody else

Do we need to add that cartoon frog to the list of suspects?

So it begins…:grimacing:

I hope the scumbag died roaring anyway.

A cartoon frog would genuinely be as high up the list of suspects for a crime that may or may not have happened as the Clintons, to be fair

Do you have a list?

I don’t, perhaps you do? You were very big on conspiracy theories about the Salisbury poisoning, precisely none of which involved Russians doing it

The Kremlin had nothing to do with that

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The first newspaper to report lincoln’s assination was the unionist leaning Northern Whig. :thinking:

Fine looking man with so much potential, shame the way people turn out. A damn shame.

There’s a very special breed of weirdo on here who believes Russia have nothing to do with anything bad

Well done on being one of them

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