
Go get help.

I’ve answered you twice.

For what ?

Have you any proof of this?

You haven’t.

They are just sexually attracted to something different.
Im sexually attracted to tall blonde women with eastern european accents dressed in nurses uniforms.
Can i book the closure of dame street this saturday please as myself and a few other like-minded lads eant to celebrate this?

Fucking bizarre.


I’m actually worse for engaging with you… I hope you’re just on the wind up as you’re beyond idiotic if you’re being genuine…

If I beat the shit out of you for 20 years for being attracted to that, yes, you’d be well within your rights to have a stroll down dame street.

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If you can get enough people to participate, fire away

I suspect it’ll be just yourself

Who beat the shit out of them?

Fake news central.

Close the street? You can have a national holiday

Homophobes. Skinheads. Wankers.

The like of you

Dublin Pride started in 1983 when a gay man called Declan Flynn was beaten to death in a homophobic attack.

Five men surrounded him, they threw him to the ground and jumped on his head. Then they ran away and left him to choke to death on his own blood. He died alone, and probably in a lot of pain, in Fairview Park on a Saturday night.

His killers were eventually caught and were brought to court. However, despite murdering an innocent man in an unprovoked attack, they were convicted only of mancslaughter and got suspended sentences, serving no jail time with the judge stating that there was “no element of correction that is required.”

Shocked that the state had said that their friend’s life didn’t matter, a group of 600 gay men and women, supported by their friends and the Trade Union movement, marched from Liberty Hall to Fairview Park. As they marched, they passed a bonfire, celebrating the fact that those guilty of the murder, had essentially gotten away with it. The small march needed garda protection as there was a fear of violence.

Despite this, this group of people kept marching. They wanted justice and to prove that they had nothing to be ashamed of and that the lives of gay people mattered. As the years went by, the march continued, and grew.

You stupid cunt.


Hetro sexuals men are getting the shit hammered out of them every single day. They dont demand street closures and leather hotpants.

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Was being attracted to blonde women outlawed? Were you murdered for it? Beat up? Did you have to grow up in a society that thought liking blondes was wrong and had to come out to your parents and hope they’d understand?


I never beat the shit out of anyone.

Straight people get beat up too, so do asexuals. I have been punched in the face, I don’t want a parade for it.

May the gays should have toughened up and learned to defend themselves.

They aren’t being beaten up because they are heterosexual.

Can it be proven i am attracted to blonde women, how can i prove it? Or am i making it up because i need the attention?

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So 1 gay man gets attacked and killed?

What about all the straight and asexual men attacked and killed?