
Absolutely not.

This land is ours, not theirs.

What disrespect have they for others?

Do you support ethnic cleansing, bud?

Rubbing it in people’s faces. Demanding acceptance of their lifestyle choices and demonising anyone who doesn’t agree with it.

Gay people do not “choose” to be gay.
Can you not at least grasp this basic fact.

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They do.

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You demonise them for their sexuality. If you want respect, show respect.

Why should they respect somebody who doesn’t respect them based on nothing other than their sexuality

You are an academic arent you? Looking forward to the research on this.

I don’t demonise them. I don’t agree with it but if they keep it out of public life then they will get no problems from me. I couldn’t care what people who don’t concern me get up to behind close doors.

In that case you support the principle that it’s their land as well as yours

Which it is

I read some of the stuff on here this evening and started crying with sadness. Ireland is still very backward


It’s about respect, there’s no need to be going rubbing it in people’s face. If a smoker goes home and lights up in his own home or back garden it doesn’t bother me. If he goes right up to my face and blows smoke at me, then that is where we have a problem.

I don’t.

They are foreign invaders.

Gay pride is worth millions to the Irish economy, it’s the rainbow goldmine.

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Say’s the Brexiteer.

Funny how many of the anti-gay crowd are also smokers’ rights advocates

Id give you a hug if I was there with you mate, we’d probably get beat up by some of the hard cunts on here for it though

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