
They choose to have two months of celebrations incase we didn’t know they’re out there.

I abhor smoking. It should be banned outright.

I’m a remainer mate. I’m a liberal Democrat

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Great to see families attend Limerick pride in big numbers this year.


Not for long

It was a very family friendly event.

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I don’t like gay pride. And I find a lot of gay lads to have very grating and annoying personalities and I think the worst of that is displayed on these marches.

But, I don’t expect, nor care, if they like me, approve of how I live my life or think I’m the biggest cunt of all time and I’m happy to afford them the same courtesy. March away lads.

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It was very inclusive. A real family day out I am told

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The women at gay pride this year were unreal.

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some of the more rural lads here lock their kids away when pride is in in case they see two men being affectionate


You don’t need to read the article, the headline is self explanatory.

Have you kids?

There should be a pride event in every town in Ireland


You ever heard of restraint or self control, your bumbling simpleton?

Same familys be Turing on gay porn afterwards to get a proper understanding of it.

I don’t… But if I do I’ll be attending pride with them every year.

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You’ve zero chance of getting a bird if you’re not friends with the gays.

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Do you learn everything through the medium of pornography?

But if… bla bla bla.

Not many can relate to the asexual lifestyle mate.