
No wonder you took flight out of Ireland. Enjoy London bruv a city with no identity.

I lived with a Gay man for 3 years :open_mouth:

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London is the greatest City in the World.


Homosexuality should be taught in primary schools

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A very liberal city

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You’ve just totally contradicted yourself

You’ve just said you’ve no problem with smokers smoking on their own property

It’s pretty obvious your earlier protestations that you don’t want smoking banned outright apply equally to gays, ie. they don’t apply at all

You got a nice wife out of it.


It would explain the bad back I suppose

Who the fuck flagged this?!

Someone very insecure

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Maybe you were crying for the old you

Alan Turing was gay but he wasn’t in porn to the best of my knowledge, mate

Go watch a porn there. It goes in a bit lower

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You’re right, the amount of times I carried him home drunk.

That’s their choice. I certainly don’t agree with smoking and it pisses me off when people do it in my presence. If they’re not impacting on me then I couldn’t give a fuck what people get up to behind closed doors.

I’m not interested in controlling what other people do, I only care that people are respectful to others and what the gays don’t understand and don’t want to understand is that respect is a two way street.

Sometimes you wish he hadnt invented the computer

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Ye must have been very intimate to know that much about him.

I always thought Charles Babbage did

Thats a good friend. He was lucky to have you.

I’m very comfortable in myself. This place is full of cavemen. At least 4 of them are repressed homosexuals afraid to come out. Full of self hatred and anger