
Monsignor Horan put a curse on every gay in Mayo

Mayo of course is the only county that rhymes with Gayo

That’s why they’ve won fuck all

The phantom flagger is back I see

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Yes, the 63% who voted Yes in 2015

Have you any evidence of the statistical freak that would be needed for a majority of teachers to have voted No

I’ve the same amount of admissible evidence as you Sid.

In my experience most teachers tend to be fairly conservative

Correct, but back then it was a different affair. Todays pride is an industry run by the likes of that man-hating, red haired bint from UL and cunts like her who latch on to every cause that will get her kudos. Currently she is apparently on a tour of the USA telling them how Ireland has matured as a nation.


When will the madness end?

There’s a serious lack of self-awareness amongst some lads taking part in the Pacific games women’s weightlifting competitions


The headline says ‘DNA differences may be linked’
Any actual research proving homosexuality exists, how does one prove they have it?

The same way you prove youre heterosexual - bi-sexual - asexual.

Science isn’t in the business of proving anything, it examines the evidence and tries to explain it. Homosexuality exists throughout the animal kingdom, which demonstrates that it is a natural phenomenon. Denying it exists is no different to denying evolution exists or denying the earth is round.

There are hundreds of examples of animal homosexuality.

That’s a bit if a generalisation

Do you think it’s unnatural for monkeys to engage in homosexual acts?

Someone needs to tell them its immoral.

You’d swaer homosexuality just popped up in the last few years … Homosexuality was rampant and accepted in every pre-christian society … the church drove it underground and demonized homosexuals. The greeks, the romans, even our own Irish ‘celts’ all slept with men - most warrior societies bonded through homosexual sex. It has always been around and always will be despite the hatred and fear from the less evolved in society.


Yeah but it’s about 50 years since you were at school

Everybody else is doing it, so why can’t we.

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We’re all a little gay pal … the people that protest too much are just a little bit more gay than the rest.