Eurovision 2010

We are fucking there!!!

Marty Whelan - You Legend :lol:

I think Marty just wet his pants!!

“Fantastic, Fantastic! WE ARE IN THE FINAL”

cheers mate. a great night for israel and ireland
Merty Whelan is playing a blinder here , “uh,im just so happy”
the azeri chick is hot

“I nearly banged my head off the ceiling”

“get that glass off that child”

the the cut of the Bulagarian lads…

great to see armenia in,that will ease some of the pain for the UN never recognizing the turkish genocide…

Can we call the recession over now?

Marty must be jerking off in the box the way he just said “Oh Niamh” there

Any competition which allows the Brits in each year, without having to qualify, has lost all of its undoubted brilliance in one swoop.

Marty Whelan is an allright sort, " who needs the world cup, we are in the eurovison song contest".
hopefully the GAA will do the decent thing and change the time of the wexford and galway game to prevent a clash,

Niamh is a real Eurovision heavyweight. Was there ever a doubt she’d deliver? Saturday night will be epic. I’m becoming more and more optimistic that we could actually do this.

There’ll be households in Wexford will need 3 TV’s on the go on Saturday night between GAA, Rugby and the Eurovision.

sid the scenes around the RDS could be unprecedented on saturday night, no doubt the great and the good will be slightly shaken by the recent rumble in ranelagh and the imminent depature of Cheiks post the game, however no doubt the punters in the town bar and grill and residence will come alive if we can pull this one off

You know, it’s not just about winning. It’s about the way you win. As an Irishman and a Dubliner, I’m delighted to say that this year, we’re doing it right. We’re doing it honest. It’s about upholding the values and the traditions that once made this nation ad this contest great. Hard work. Talent. And wonderful, wonderful music.

We had sunk so low. A couple of years ago, we showed we had lost the run of ourselves. We entered a turkey, literally. That black night in Belgrade in one way was a night to forget, but in another way, a night to remember, to store in the memory bank and learn the lessons that were so painfully and deservedly dished out to us. They called it “the massacre on the banks of the Danube”. It was the night the Celtic Tiger ended, a vulgar, ugly beast dying a painful, humiliating death. But once dead, no tears were shed for this vile creature. It enabled a cleansing of sorts to occur, a redemption.

Last year this redemption began, when Sinead Mulvey and Black Daisy’s fine effort was cruelly and undeservedly overlooked. I’m not ashamed to say I shed a tear for Sinead that night. It was a tough one to take and it summed up the mood of the country at the time, seemingly trapped in a dark pit of despair, with no way out. But Sinead was the one who took those first, unsteady steps which enabled us to learn how to walk again.

This year, the light at the end of the tunnel is almost blinding. We’re fighting back. We will emerge. We can feel it. We can smell it. It’s almost like drugs, tantalising, intoxicating. Yes we can, Yes we can, Yes we can.

And as I said at the top, the most important thing is that we’re doing it the right way. We’re not parading some tart dressed in a skimpy top, flashing her tits to the sound of a cheesy europop dance track. We’re not embarrassing ourselves by having some dancing gym monkeys jumping spastically around like Boyzone on the Late Late Show.

Niamh Kavanagh is a diva. A real woman. The Billie Holiday, the Ella Fitzgerald of Eurovision. Seeing her up there on stage brings a reassuring feeling of constancy. The changes our country have gone through over the last 17 years are frightening. All the highs and the lows and the tos and the fros, as Pete Doherty sang. Niamh’s return indicates a return to the traditional values that served us so well for so long. She is the wine that was put into the cellar in 1993 and now has matured into something very special.

Can anybody forget the May night a small village in West Cork had the eyes of Europe on it? The night it came down to the final douze points. Tension on a par with Stuttgart ’88. Irlande contre Royaume Uni. Ireland versus the UK. Niamh gave us revenge for Skibbereen, 50 miles up the road in Millstreet. One of the great moments.

Tonight, it felt like nothing had ever changed. People said traditional values couldn’t work in the modern era. That the contest was different. That you needed gimmicks. Tonight they were proved wrong. What a performance.

Society is a word that is often overlooked in this country. The cancer of individualism has taken over. Materialism, selfishness, me, me, me. As John F. Kennedy said, “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Well after tonight, I know that there’s at least one woman who has taken those inspirational words to heart. As Niamh herself sings, “It’s For You”.

On Saturday, a victory that would the lift the nation is on the cards. I’m backing Niamh to win. Let’s all get behind her.


Still think it was a mistake not sending Monika to the Eurovision. We’d have got 12 points from her homeland of Bosnia for sure.

BTW where is Thraw this weather?

Based on what i saw earlier, the Turks will be hard bet and they are a staggering 18/1 on Betfair.* :o

*It’s time to make a recommendation in my column.

good post
pretty much sums up the mood of a nation right now that is maturing and evolving gracefully on the world stage.
the glorious day in croker in 2007 when GSTQ was so beautifully sung and respected by all and the roar of the Celtic Tiger as his cubs played on Jones Road was a day to remember , saturday night will rank up there no doubt

I see Ireland are as low as 14/1 to win it in Powers and 16/1 in other places. You can get 55/1 on Betfair. :lol:

I’ve been told to beware of Greeks bearing gifts, Dunph.

My Norwegian friends are all on about the German entry, said they are being talked up a fair bit over there. Azerbj are also favs too no?