Eurovision 2022 - Torino - Quattordici Maggio

Dear God, who writes these “funny” segments.

Mahmood here for Italy had a banger on his own a few years back

The “trying to be Beyonce” genre is lesser spotted in Eurovision. Here comes the best exponent of it since Cyprus 2018.

More J Lo than Beyonce, according to Marty anyway.

Actually, it was Norton that said that.

Spain have strippers out here

This is a bit of a throwback to the noughties, unreal

On any objective level that was divine.

That was great stuff from Spain.

They need to get rid of the juries, letting in dull shite like that and Portugal

Just to remind people I flagged Spain as a betting proposition at 19/1 the other night.

She is the best performer in the competition by a mile, she is a lovely lady and then some, and it is also the best song.

This is shite

My 20 month old often wears their wooly hat like this Ukrainian chap

I think its one of the better ones so far

It’s in the top three or four best songs easily and that bass line is very good.

Lovely message for the heroes of Azovstal from the lads. (cc: of @Thomas_Brady).

The Ukraine song is septic auld rubbish IMO.

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Thought that presenter in the white suit was Shirley Temple Bar for a second.

This German song was 1/50 to finish last when I checked. I think its decent

Just to say. It’s unlikely that this contest will be won by a song that appeals to middle aged straight white Irish males.


Don’t know where you saw that. Its evens or 5/4 around there. It shouldn’t finish last but could get lost. I hope he doesn’t he’s better than a lot of the rubbish here.

Sorry pal, I’m just watching some paint drying here, I’ll tune in once it’s done.