Eurovision 2022 - Torino - Quattordici Maggio

Attack attack

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Wtf? Do lads actually pay him? Whats his record like?


Some years the Eurovision thread catches fire, some years it doesn’t.

This year looks like a bumper renewal, the first full fat (cc: @peddlerscross) Eurovision since 2019.

The forum and the continent are gagging for it.

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Not sure on record but looks like he has over 700 signed up anyway

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Good god almighty

Be the hokey

Albania going down the sexy* fat blonde route.

*not sexy

“Instead of meat, I eat veg and pussy” :laughing:

This Ukrainian song is aggressive in parts which doesn’t strike the right tone I think. If they’d something softer than the lads they’d be hard bet alright.

If they had a couple of red setters doing dog trials on the stage they’d have won.

Creepy fucker this lead singer with Bulgaria.

Christ her voice was failing her there at the end the Dutch girl, not sure was it nervousness or what but she was all at sea there the last 20 seconds.

This is great stuff from Moldova.

Portugal :heart_eyes:

This is fair bonkers by Norway, but what harm

Switzerland the first name to be called out as a qualifier for the final.

I thought Switzerland were dog shit and i’m surprised enough that they advanced, their price took a walk in running and i think he was about 5/2 to qualify.

Stephen Cass’ nap Latvia to be top baltic is dead in the water already as they haven’t qualified. I’m not knocking him because he’s a great judge. He has just now on twitter recommended a bet on Netherlands each way at 100/1.

I’m genuinely very disappointed for this lady and for the contest that she didn’t get the chance to compete for Ukraine in it. It would have been one of the great Eurovision winners and probably a worldwide smash hit off the back of it. It’s the song that was meant for these times.

Here she is with her thoughts on the war followed by a live performance of the song.

Agreed she definitely had a better song than the lads and was very hard done by to win the national final and then be thrown out as it transpired she’d illegally passed through Crimea in recent years. The lads kicked up a fuss that the jurors were unduly kind to her and started in motion a series of events that got her barred.

It is extremely powerful and there are few Eurovision winners you can say that about.

So powerful it moved me to set up this thread.