Eurovision 2024 - Malmo Money Malmo Problems

Casement handed Leopold his tae in a mug the bastard.

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This is the scumbag who posted a picture of George Floyd being killed photoshopped to have a naked black man sitting on his neck.

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They setup the Rwandian genocide as well turning the sides against each other while they were in power, was only listening to a thing on it the other day

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King Leopold’s Ghost is a great great read.

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Go away and shite you performative snivelling blathering po faced Wokefishing self righteous soy latte drinking undoubtedly smelly disappointment to your parents human haemorrhoid.

You are as likeable as sandpaper underpants.


Even you know you’re a scumbag.

This is incorrect. I laughed at the person he was quoting.

The discussion was around Jew haters amongst Trump’s base. There certainly are those people, but it isn’t the whole lot of them as was suggested

Same goes for the pro Palestine groupings. I have consistently said the majority are well meaning and not anti semitic but that there is a segment that are a concern & this is being waived away by the likes of yourself.

I will also say that troll voting for Israel to win is not a good message for Europe. It is obviously divisive and would feel threatening for ordinary Palestinians. I think it’s a shame that the event has been turned into this by a certain section using bullying tactics on an individual.

I’ve not waived away anything. Your focus and tone on the subject is telling though.

Bizarre response that you would choose to focus on ridiculing a tweeter you don’t like rather than the fact that Trump supporters were scrawling swastikas on walls.

Focus and tone?

I think the only one with that issue is yourself, demanding that the Irish Jewish committee give you a detailed breakdown of anti semitism they suffer.

A standard that you in particular would never demand from another minority.

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We ran the Jews from Limerick once and we’ll do it again.

No to Christ killers :fire:

It’s apparently a “conspiracy” to point this out now.

Wasn’t that the Romans?

In other news, Bambi Thug is a Protestant from Cork.

Yes, your focus and tone. You were quite snide and disparaging about the student protests for example (tone) and your focus has been on alleged antisemitism in the movement.

I’ve not denied there is antisemitism in Ireland or may have been within the student movement. However, any examples I’ve seen from any of the people alleging antisemitism (I gave the example of Oliver Sears, you posted a video of two other lads alleging antisemitism) were false. Those same three people alleging antisemitism (with no examples of actual antisemitism cited) all go on to repeat standard false pro-israeli talking points/propaganda.

The same people who are happy to routinely dismiss non-Jewish non-white people when they speak about racism are happy to go along with the obvious concerted political strategy of deeming all but the most tepid of tepid criticisms of Israel as anti-Semitism.

They’re also happy to go along with the intimidation and smearing of actual Jews opposed to Israeli genocide, by non-Jewish Germans.

It speaks volumes for just how absurd things have got when Israel’s greatest support base in Europe is the anti-Semitic far right, which has its roots in Nazism.

No. The jews condemned jesus to death ffs. Have you been living under a rock these last 2000 years?

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Kilkenny/Cark… Yes.

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The anti-apartheid protestors must be so embarrassed 54 years later. In reality what they were doing was bullying South African rugby players.
