Eurovision 2024 - Malmo Money Malmo Problems

The country is fucked


A lot of the same deeply unhappy middle aged men who are now portraying themselves as concerned anti-Satan campaigners also support the Red Devils.

Seems a bit hypocritical, though you can understand why Manchester United supporters are so deep down the pit of anger and negativity.

Hopefully they can drown their sorrows at Ireland’s success with a few cans of Devil’s Bit tonight.

Hon Satan!

I haven’t heard the song yet but if Bambi Thug is pissing off a bunch of auld conservative internet weirdos, then I’m on board and might even watch this thing Saturday


:joy: :joy: :joy:

Lovely :joy:

Would you want that for your children? Didn’t think so.

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Like i say, if its just a bit of edgy cabaret…sure what odds…shit entertainment for low brows, so they can share how edgy they are. Either that or they’re degenerates. So what?

Kids go to the pantomime. I’d imagine most kids are loving and OTT performance like this.

Performance is lost on some.

Yeah, some lads just arent sophisticated enough to appreciate high art. Is that what you’ve saying?

The Eurovision, high art :joy::joy::joy:

I’d give them a pass. They went to school in Charleville.

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This is exactly the kind of shite the Eurovision wants. I’d say she’ll go very close to winning it

Edgy. Kitch. Gay. Irish.

It has everything you need to win.

We could be back lads.

And on the 30th Anniversary of Riverdance.

There won’t be a pentagram left uninverted in the whole of macroom

We’re not all cultured like Carryharry.
@carryharry in your expert opinion what genre of “performance” would you class the Irish one as? Then, What or Who is Bambi Thugs captive audience or target market?

Bambi Thug is the Joker to the Irish populations Batman. We brought Bambi Thug onto us due to our need to succeed in Eurovision once more. Bambi Thug is the manifestation of our desire to sit atop the Eurovision pile once again.

This is all our doing.


Bambi Thug is the latest manifestation of Paddy’s desire to get a pat on the head and be liked.