Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Is that why they were banned in 40s too?

93% of traffic in the city is only passing through to somewhere else… what’s the point in having a city centre just for passing traffic?

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This doesn’t concern you Cork boy. Also that percentage was obviously pulled out of someones hole more than likely your own!

Banned in the 50s for 5 years for a bit of scrapping alright.

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Pallaskenry , as a separate entity , played in the city division from the late 80s or so to amalgamation .

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Should have amalgamated Pallaskenry with Pallasgreen to create Pallas Rangers, and let them fight amongst themselves.

You should forget about driving through the city before 9pm. They built a tunnel for you.

What good is a tunnel if I have business in the city?

In fairness you’ve spotted a fatal flaw in the whole concept of the tunnel there.

Maybe an extra Drive-Thru Lane on O’Connell St is what we really need.

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I’m from Limerick

Willie three toes.

There’s no sympathy in this game for any man

As Proposition Joe would say, “Some shameful shit”

"Limerick is the last place you want your kids growing up,” the piece added.

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Forbes online website isn’t far off a Wikipedia, anyone can submit articles to it and the threshold for what they will publish is very low. I’m not sure why that is the case for such a well known brand.

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The stab city thing was before my time. Was limerick ever really as bad as some make out?

The wagons are circling

Good work @balbec. PR 101, discredit the source