Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Poor wum effort

Not in my living memory anyway. It was rough but a lot of places were dog rough over the years

Like was this fued thing a weekly thing or did it just pop up every six months? I remember somebody telling me it all started over a few girls fighting in school.

stab city came from the 70’s as far as I recall.

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The fued was a serious couple of years. There was some edge around the place for about 6 months at the height of it.

it was over drugs bud


Like to the point people wouldn’t be in town for nights out or what?

I’ve never seen any trouble on a night out in limerick.

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I heard it started from two girls went fighting one from either family and it all escalated from there but I literally no nothing about the subject.

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Stab City was coined in the early 90s by Gerry Stembridge.

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i don’t think he coined it, it came from the 70’s maybe he reused it - he did some satire show didn’t he?

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You normally get massive mileage out of these ones all the same


I never felt unsafe on a night out in Limerick back in the noughties


A pal of mine was a guard based in Henry St at the time. He always said it was a grand gig, that you knew what you were dealing with and there was no real crime solving because you knew who had done everything… But that the rest of the city was grand and quiet

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the gurriers very rarely went into town.

That’s right, more correct to say reused, but I think his use of the term on Scrap Saturday is where it caught on in relation to Limerick.

No. It was overhyped by the tabloids because it sold papers. Like every city in the world, once you had your wits about you, you are safe


In fairness to the guards they’ve a tricky job but apparently they done a serious number on these gangs once the resources were given to them in the area.

Henry street is piss just dealing with junkie thieves and drunken students, Roxboro though…


No, I don’t recall any major incidents in the city centre during the fued. It was mainly happening in the estates at either side of the city.

We were young lads in college so there was a bit of a buzz to it. The garda helicopter would be out at night you’d be getting all sorts of rumours.

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Yeah it was serious but for the most part there were no humans involved.