Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

It was like how WW1 started because Kaiser Billy so incensed about the assassination of his good pal Les Ferdinand by noted speedster @Gavrilo-Princip

The Globe was a grand spot of a midweek night @The_Most_Infamous, isnā€™t that where Termites ended up?

I think Lapellos was the one beside the High Stool

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The lap dancing quarter

The one under the Globe was Le Chic?

It was. There was another one for a time by taits clock where the casino is now. That was more brothely

There was a one in le chic who was the head off Irene from home and away. We all chipped in for one of the lads birthday and got him a long auld private session with her. He came out peuce and hasnā€™t talked about it to this day

Us county lads learning about the seedy underbelly of Limerick City during the noughties


Thus place was ahead of its time. Based on those pubs in London where theyā€™d have some ropey wan tipping around with a glass jar

I donā€™t think anything has gone in there since?

A band from NZ played the high Stool back around 02. It was the final night of their tour. Thereā€™s a room connected to high stool, which is a kind of band dressing room but it has its own stripper pole in there. I was back there a good few times with bands over the years. Anyway, this night the band from NZ decide to splash out as itā€™s their final night and theyā€™ve been on the road for months. A bunch of the lads (Iā€™d gone elsewhere with a friend of mine in pursuit of what we presumed were two ā€˜sure thingsā€™ - they werenā€™t) went into this band room with them and a few of the women were given a fair chunk of dough. One absolute simpleton was in there and he stated at one stage ā€œIā€™d ate chips out of your knickers Natashaā€


A noble compliment.

A great saying

Think youā€™re correct regarding Termites pal, donā€™t think it lasted long there though.

It moved around a bit when Savoy closed. It was in Globe for a while. It had a very short stint downstairs in the Pery Hotel (might still have been Glentworth back then).

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Wasnt it up in that shithole Costelloā€™s for a while

I donā€™t think so

Costelloā€™s would be closed now if The High Stool and Savoy didnā€™t go around the same time. People had nowhere to go late. Flan had the place up for sale for a good few years. I djed there a little bit when I was in college

I went once, paid a few bob in, ordered a pint that came warm in a dirty glass, walked to a table across a smelly sticky carpet, put my pint down and left

I wouldnā€™t have ever ordered a pint in a ā€œniteclubā€ back in the day. Cans all the way.

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Best nightspot in Limerick by a distance. Iā€™d never order a pint there tho.


Iā€™d say I havenā€™t been up there in 6/7 years or so. Was en route the night we were heading from Steeper Flanaganā€™s until you took a hopper and I decided Iā€™d fuck off home on a Coke Zero bike.