Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

You were there when Paddy got a chunk of his ear bitten off? :grinning:

And when older Paddy, Paddy and the others got him into the shop at the rank and near booted Skippy to death

What became of the Gallery/Shebeen?

Not sure it has any more rebrandings after that. Hotel got done up and commercial offices on Shannon St

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Is that a crowd outside the crescent? Eliza Doolittle will be triggered again

My own thesis is the deregulation of taxis stopped a lot of the fighting

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One for Freakonomics surely.


You’re carrying on like it was beirut and your “war” stories are a fella threatened you with a coconut. Will you fuck off

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When the junkies are strung out they’re liable to do anything

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There was a riot one night in town tho, reaction to guards acting the bollix… and that mad cunt from Moyross, Johnny (can’t remember his surname) rode a horse at a few gardai and bolted up O’Connell Street. He was a proper mental case, think he got a hatchet to the head a few years back.

I liked you better when you’d fucked off

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Carry on talking shite so if you’re going to be a fanny about it.

I wont threaten you with a coconut

Wasn’t it @Fitzy or @backinatracksuit who shit their pants one time when a junkie looked sideways at them using the atm

Bit rich you of all calling someone a fanny on here.

henry Cecil girl shot to death in a full bar. Fella killed.out Supermacs. They inform my opinion of town of the time.

Anyway, differing experiences of town it seems.

I was generally looking for a good time and found it, seems like you were looking for trouble and found it.

Half the problem is the negativity spiral, that lads like you are in, it becomes almost a self fulfilling prophecy

That shooting in the Cecil was tragic… Some dive on a Sunday night but a good laugh.

That was 20 odd year ago was it?

I remember a fella standing on a guys chest and bating him with a broken scaffolding bar outside Monties


What are you trying to say here? Insinuating somebody else is soft to make yourself look hard??

Maybe it was somebody else, why don’t you try to find the ‘offending’ post rather than throw out that oul shite