Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Is that what it seems is it? Ok

Is that Darren Fitz the ‘skippy’ you’re referring to? I vaguely recall that incident…what happened there again?

Yeah, from Aherlow Close end of Caherdavin. Think something was said by younger Paddy Hayes, something about Skippy taking it in the arse in jail or something like that to trigger it. They started lugging heads off each other anyway and he bit the top of Paddy’s ear off. Was too jagged a tear to stitch back on I think?

What would a bogger like you know about it?

He can pretend same as you surely?


I am Limerick City.

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You fought your biggest battles on the fields of astro

I’ll have to disagree there pal… I never went looking for scraps but I was involved in a good clatter of them on nights out.

By far the hardest lad in the history phd class

No I wouldn’t go that far. Probably the cheekiest.

A right scamp

I’ll do that alright

A bold bastard in his youth.

Yesterday: “I never recall any trouble on a night out in Limerick”

Today: “Remember that one time Kennet McMadCunt went into Chicken Hut with a scimitar? That was good craic. Is he still in Portlaoise?”


I know Skippy. A nice fella. Made something of himself after all that in fairness to him, think he was Páidí O’Sé’s chef in Ventry for years and they were great friends. His younger brother was attacked and injured in the aftermath of that incident with Hayes and he had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Bro? I’m pretty much all Limerick City. family connections etc and spent a lot of time in there. You’re right though, I found the City lads awfully mouthy but soft, a swift crack in the jaw sorted most of them pretty quickly.

I know the younger brother better than I know Darren. Both fellas just want to keep their head down, make their few bob and keep away from trouble. Admirable.

Pa? Quiet as a mouse that lad. All mad Spurs fans I think. No harm in them really. Darren was wild in his youth alright.

Darren was definitely much the wilder alright! Glad to hear he’s gone a different direction

Doesn’t drink or anything nowadays, married, kids etc