Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

I drove up there a while ago. Great to see a big crowd on the green next to the castle from Arthur’s quay

That read a very odd response until I realised you weren’t responding to the post before it.

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I heard it was historic remains over 100 years at least gardai and the coroner handed it over to archaeologist.

They say Paris is the Limerick of France


That’s become a very popular spot in the good weather
Dyou know, if you’ve good company, good weather and a strong bladder the outside afternoon drinking and socialising is actually lovely


Was my mate running the bar that time when they were doing gigs down there. I used row in that club. It’s an amazing spot, really something should be made of it.

Did you ever row in Monty’s? That was a proper rowing club


I don’t even know what that is so I’m going to say no.

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Your Shannon waters tears of joy that flow…that’s magical👍

Only decent puck of a ball from Kerry

I paid 20 (twenty) punts to go to a millennium eve party there that descended into vegetables being randomly pelted around the dancefloor.

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Used go to table quizzes there years ago


@balbec must be very lonesome seeing that, dinner floating past and all


I always thought it was haunts and their cuzints you had to be worried about at the Energizer

A digger is onsite filling in trenches this morning

There was a lot of hole alright. They won the have far to move the remains either.

Watching a geophys scan here now.
Interesting for about 30 seconds meh

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Will be a fine hurling wall when finished

No wonder ye can’t get senior and ye building on top of ancient burial ground