Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

No harm to put manners on a few of these lads.They think they can do what they want.



These arent the ones that needed the manners though, unless this is the tip of some iceberg.

That’s farcical … an internal slap on the knuckles and no more about it.

This man is enjoying his day outside the court.

I know who that Michelle Leahy one is and anytime I encountered her at checkpoint she came across as incredibly officious. I assume Tom McGlinchy is the football coach?

This seems like an absolute hatchet job, to cover the fact they found fuck all after their high profile arrests and investigations.

100%. Laughable really.

Sean South was a member of Maria Duce, a fairly extreme religious sect who campaigned to have Catholicism enshrined in the constitution as the state religion (Dev was pushed in this direction by McQuaid and compromised on “special place of the catholic church”). South’s publications suggest he was an anti-Semite as was the founder of Maria Duce, Fr Denis Fahey.


If, as a serving member, you were convicted of making a couple of penalty points disappear would it be enough to get the road from the Guards?

The whole thing seems completely OTT. Found fuck all of anything serious so have a few patsys lined up here.

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Post edited

Read it again!

Ah. Long day

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He told my uncle the other day “he’s nothing to answer”

Sorry I missed this,

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Isn’t it amazing how many guards can be summoned when it suits them?
Ring them about an actual crime and they’ll tell you there’s no one available to go out.


Am I the only person in support of the cement factory removing the burning of coal for alternative fuels?

There’s alot more going on behind the scenes here. The penalty points is a bit like Al Capone and the Tax evasion.


Why didn’t they have any evidence so?

I could tell you but @Breaking_my_balls would have to kill you.

@Ambrose_McNulty would like to ‘Simulate’ some evidence :grinning: