Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

:smile: :smile:

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Theyā€™ve got nathin

Iā€™d say so.

Have you any idea at all what the alternative fuels are before you start supporting them?

And where do you live by the way?

On the basis that the EPA submission has heavily regulated flue lining and restrictions on emissions I would be more confident with a waste incinerator than a coal fired plant. Coal is probably the worst fuel to burn.

The proposal makes perfect sense to me to achieve the heat required for the process.

Its a big improvement on the current process. Iā€™d be more worried about augnish and moneypoint. And moneypoint is now being converted which is a fantastic change.

Going forward as a society we need to consider alternatives to landfills where recycling is not possible and alternatives to coal for high heat manufacturing. 2 birds one stone with incineratoration. This is a fine example of NIMBYism.

If this was rejected the factory would be closed in 5 years youā€™ll have the same politicians campaigning for LAP crying at the job losses and devastation to the community akin to the zero covid/aer lingus job losses this week.

Itā€™s gas. All the townies who moved out to the leafy suburbs of the well sought after Raheen catchment area never thought to ask the builders what effects a housing estate being built so close to a cement factory would have. I suppose they never got any of the winds blowing over to Caherdavin and NAP area before they upgraded.


Iā€™m not an expert on this and I suppose it all depends on what and where you read stuff.
But what I believe is:

Coal is bad but itā€™s not the worst fuel you can burn. Plastic and medical wast and god knows what else is much worse.

Electricity is a much cleaner fuel, let them convert to that. Itā€™s more expensive of course. Perhaps they should be lobbying for renewable power generation to bring down the cost. Unfortunately once that incinerator gets in I canā€™t ever see it leaving no matter what comes online.

I agree on Moneypoint. Itā€™s a pity they couldnā€™t put a few windmills down by the cement factory. Thereā€™s an awful wind up that river when youā€™re walking across the bridge.

Nobody has an answer to your NIMBY comment. Itā€™s the six marker for sure.

Whatever happens itā€™s just not a factory suitable for positioning close to a major city. I wouldnā€™t be sorry to see it close if it meant myself and my family lived cleaner lives.

Hereā€™s the thing about the cement factory in particular, in order to process the cement the klin is required to be at around 1200-1400Ā°c. Coal is a great fuel to reach those temperatures and to maintain it. There is no renewable alternative or electricity alternative to maintain that energy output. Incinerating waste can do this. Burning waste can technically be class as renewable but no point in debating that (humans are filthy animals). Actually turning the crash it was cheaper to keep the klin at temperature for years without production rather than turning it on and trying to heat up again when demand returned due to the massive amount of energy required

With the liecence I can assume that the exhaust flues will have some form of emission filters. Burning this waste is more efficient than landfill and is common practice around the world. Denmark are a great example , they actually sell the excess heated water to homes.

I would say coal is the worst fuel to burn, also considering the mining and transport from Colombia.

Without this change in fuel source the cement factory is not viable

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Problem is the cement factory is constantly breaking itā€™s permitted emission levels and nobody does anything about it. So itā€™s assumed they will continue to do so regardless of what they have their flue lined with.

We need a nuclear plant on Father Russell Road

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South was nothing more than a religious zealot. A nutter of the highest order. Iā€™ve never understood the esteem in which he was held by some folk.

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Theyā€™d have an estate up around it called ā€œRadioactive Lawnā€ before it was finished.


Chernobyl Close

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He had a good song though

I can play it on guitar.

I can play it on tin whistle. We should get the band back together.

Iā€™m wicked on a kazoo

Iā€™ve got boy band hair.

Have you the moves though?

Like Jagger