Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Ray Darcy has no place in this thread

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Ray Darcy spent quite a lot of time in Limericks finest.

Itā€™s amazing what can be bought on eBay.

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Ray was mugged off good and proper by Geri Maye.

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He was. He really was.

Still, he got to slap her arse a bit so its swings and roundabouts.


LAP seem to be rearing their true headbanger since the cement factory ruling. Objecting to everything and making news everywhere. If shannon airport was open Claire keating probably would be sitting on the wing of a Ryanair flight to Warsaw

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I would have coached this lad for a few years underage. Has had a fairly troubled life, hopefully he turns up ok.

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Fuck. Nearing a week gone missing? Scary shit

His body was taken from the river yesterday afternoon.

@ciarancareyshurlingarmy you attended an u14 match v Mungret where we rained high ball in on top of him and stole a win. You were disgusted by our tactics afterwards.

This lad was no angel and involved in a serious incident a couple of years ago, but very sad at the same time. Another lad bounced from foster home to foster home.


RIP. Poor young lad probably never had much of a chance.

Lord have mercy on his soul. The poor child just s sad. R.l.P. Shane. lt breaks my heart to read that.

Yes, I remember that now. How quick it moves on.

One of my old u14 groups is also dead and two in prison. Hard to keep them focused. Two of the three were out with county squads :astonished:


Iā€™d swear the booze is keeping this man alive. A machine!

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The lad on the right is a past pupil of mine, a nicer fella you couldnā€™t meet


Must be the fella on the top deck

Most of the horse enthusiasts Iā€™ve met have been decent sorts who care for the animals tbf. Only a small minority cause trouble


Very sad.

Youā€™re either 061 or youā€™re not


Get fucked if you ainā€™t 061

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