Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Ye had a slide on yer school bus? Lucky bastard

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Limerick is a weird one. Not a lot you can do really.


The windows would fall out from time to time and the doors jam. It was an emergency exit

Yeah you’re right, if they headed for the coast he could take the child surfing

I couldn’t care less about how many gay people are in Limerick but is a month of celebrating something, anything, not enough for any group of people? Of course, cuntinatracksuit proves my point by managing to leverage my statement into one of getting ‘riled up’.

Jesus mate, calm down.
It’s really nothing to get riled up about, just ignore, nobody else here has mentioned it.

You’ve reminded me, I might need to wash that dog.

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He has your dog in his avatar?

Only a small bit, it used to be the whole dog, before that it was the top of my own head, cap and sunglasses, it’s been like that for 3 years

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It has to be the greatest example of living rent free in someone’s head of recent times


That’s bizarre internet behaviour. Even for here.

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He probably feels that he can’t back down now, he’s made it less obvious in fairness,
Some of the edgy lads enjoy egging him on :man_shrugging:

But, very very bizarre, yes


Barty continues to hold the upper hand here, impressive display of internetting

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Ah stop, this is still going on?? :laughing: You’ve utterly destroyed him.

Great to see a bit of normalcy returning

Sent in…

Hi there,

I was hoping you could highlight a few issues in Castletroy, particularly in Briarfield.

A lot of the students are causing chaos here. As you are aware the pubs are open again and restrictions lifted, They are falling around drunk having parties in the street. When they are returning from the pub or coming and going to house parties, they are roaring and screaming, waking up every one.

We have seen them kick cars, fight in gardens, roll trolleys around drunk out of their minds banging them off cars. We are afraid to put our bins out the night before collection because they will kick them on passing knocking rubbish all over the Street. we have witnessed them stealing bins and running off with them and spewing rubbish around as they go.

There are constantly bottles of drink smashed on the ground. Over the years we have all rang the guards on several occasions, however a lot of the time they do it while passing through, so by the time the guards come out they are gone with the damage already being done. This has left us in a state of fear as sometime there can be a gang of 20 people passing roaring and shouting and you don’t know what they will do.

They have zero respect for anyone around them and they are getting away unchecked.

Hopefully you can post this and something may be finally done as this has been going on years. Thanks a million

Nature is healing

They closed the Stables for a week in my day and I couldn’t handle it. Thoughts and prayers to the students of 20/21.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy Good news on both fronts for you

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Will ye fucking wind him in @Aristotle

Cllr Emmett O’Brien agreed saying what is happening is a “huge reflection” on councillors.

“We are being blamed for the incompetence of somebody else – weeds growing in Askeaton, weeds growing in Pallaskenry – the guys come along with the best will in the world and they spray and the weeds are back six weeks later because some absolute headbanger, probably dictated to by some Green minister, has said they can’t use Roundup or MCPA – you have to use Apple Vinegar or something off the wall – it’s laughable,” he said.

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Teskey eh, those Palatines up to no good again!


Teskey looks about 20 years older than he is.