Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

You’re taking your lead on transport infrastructure from that misogynist? :open_mouth:

I really don’t think there is the volume of commuter traffic to justify it.
It would require a sea change in how people commute (which I know is the point of it), but it will be a bit of a chicken and egg scenario. Will they keep pumping money into it if the initial take up isn’t there?

Will the blue line be ready for the Ryder Cup?

building more roads or roads with more lanes isnt going to work

a few express trains needed

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You’d also need to look at seriously reducing the cost of travelling on public transport for people to move over to it.

Limerick doesn’t really need more roads outside of what is already in process/planned.
Traffic is generally fine in Limerick bar a few locations for 30 minutes in the morning & evening.

I’m not against this proposal btw. I’m just not sure it’s anyway feasible.

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When is the Ryder Cup happening? You could see the option of taking a train from Shannon to Adare being a popular choice if you’re getting off a plane.

Would love to see it happen and being used. I remember living in Ennis there were regularly problems with the line to Limerick (flooding somewhere in Clare?). Make it affordable to users and it will get used, but don’t price them out of it.

People should get a tax credit for using public transport


They do don’t they?

We could ban cars from the centre and make them cycle or use the train?


Driving a car will be more expensive, congestion charges etc are coming

Unfortunately by the time we’ve built all these trains driverless cars will be here and the trains will be obsolete. No one will need to own a car.

that dolt @iron_mike will be gripping onto his steering wheel before he would give it up

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I guess the investment required compared to elsewhere is probably low as apart from the airport route the lines already exist to some degree or other.

The whole Colbert Quarter development ties in nicely as all of the homes, offices, whatever will be around the main rail hub.

A sea change in mindset is needed alright but society could and realistically is going to have to move that way sooner than people might realise.

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No doubt it will have to be pried from his cold dead hands. He can’t say you didn’t warn him.

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This looks like total pie in the sky stuff I wouldn’t take it too seriously.

So it will be expensive to drive and use public transport?

Yes, the more polluting the journey the more expensive it should be