Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Good call Iā€™d say. Believe it or not, Iā€™ve never been in there.

Patsy Nicholas was showing the Tipp club championship on all the screens bar the one showing Racing the Saturday before last.

Odd behaviour not to make a mental note of the name of a pub youā€™d go for a few pints in to watch a match

Itā€™s almost as if heā€™s completely making it up

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Charlie Chaplins I think. To be fair to @peddlerscross we passed 3 or 4 different flannerys on our route frequenting 2.

We were the first in to watch the county final but it got lively then. It was much better viewing than the soccer anyway.

Lads going around wearing Liverpool or United jerseys at 4.30 on a bank holiday Sunday is concerning.

Itā€™s beginning to sound like ye had never been in a large town before last Sunday

Whatever brought ye in to Limerick, was it just for our entertainment?

Jaysus thatā€™s a blast from the past. Iā€™d guess itā€™s 20+ years since I was in there as a young lad. Youā€™d have loads of young wans queueing up for cocktails (a bit of a novelty back then). Sex on the beach was the big one (maybe it was the only one). Itā€™s a bar Iā€™d forget even exists tbh, even though itā€™s smack bang in the middle of the city


Iā€™d doubt it has many regulars. We were the first in there and seemed to drag in a few more stragglers.

Good night in Limerick despite my jibs there @backinatracksuit. Always have enjoyed it more when I stayed clear of the Icon and their bouncers. You learn the hard way.

No regulation in the Still house which was great to see. The usual certs were in use after wards but once you got in it was normal. An odd few wearing face nappies on way to the bar but as the night progressed this was abandoned.

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It was very popular in the early 00s, but I never liked it. Barmen and bouncers were dickheads.

it was rough out.


Iā€™d say around 1999/2000 was the last time I was in there.

sex on the beach was the drink of choice in the dog house. youā€™d get a pitcher of it for hardly anything

Itā€™d be blaring tunes obnoxiously early these days; not a good place.

Definitely wouldnā€™t watch a match there.

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That was only a place I ended up in once or twice. Was the floor sloped or was I just very, very drunk?

A place for youngsters.

I never noticed :smiley:

Your one turned off the tunes and turned up the TG4 commentary so she did.


Think I briefly ended up at the drum n bass night there one time chasing a bit of skirt. Was there a few other times. Was always busy when I went in.

A mighty sound gesture. I couldnā€™t imagine it a good place to get a pint of stout though? Be more a place for a peach schnapps

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We were drinking beer and it was fine. Doubt there would be many Guinness drinkers there.

It was perfect for us early doors.