Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Thank you har and the same to you. Everything went well over Christmas. I actually dropped a few ounces. I’m killed from ridin. How’s everything?

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My dick is dusty


That’s marriage for you

true love

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How do you think ye’re going to deal with batin ye’re going to get off us this year?

We’ll have to learn from it and hopefully in 20 years time we can return the favour

We didn’t meet in the Championship between 81 and 88. Since 88 ye kicked our teeth in about 80% of the encounters. It’s only in the last couple of years we’ve got a stretch on ye. I fear we’ll be stretching ye for a while yet, sorry about that pal.

I was in town over the Christmas and was saddened to see the amount of money laundering establishments in operation in plain sight.

If you are running a business, you should have to prove footfall in accordance with your revenue.

Mobile phone ‘accessories’, massage parlours and takeaways are the three main offenders.

What has happened to our town?


Another way to wash money.


You can lodge 25k a year on it if you verify the account :grimacing:

The David Clifford show is in UL tonight.

I’m pretty sure you do have to prove footfall if Revenue come looking.

No engrish. You wan massage? Free iPhone for you.

they’re still obliged to report suspicious activity… Can you top up with cash in a shop?

A friend of mine was in Centra in NCW over the festive period and saw a queue of people loading up their cards with 500 at a time. Costs 3 euro to lodge in a shop…

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Regularity would be the thing there … Still tho. All you need is a rake of lads willing to verify details for you and you have the cards…

Some crypto exchanges offer withdrawal to cards :sunglasses:

Do they work like debit cards (as normal) or one4all vouchers. One4all you can only spend €50 online which is a pain

Exact same as a debit card except you need to swipe them through the machine for instore purchases. Work perfect online too


Every Christmas would be regular enough I suppose.