Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Caherdavin is a shithole, how could this make it worse.


That “arcade” is kept going by the poker machines as well sure. Sad cases alright. Should be illegal

I don’t think the issues are explained in the article tbh.

“There’s another one nearby” - that’s surely not a concern of the residents, might cause the business to fail but that’s the business owner’s problem.

“We don’t want to glamourising gaming or arcades” - that makes no sense.

“A neighbourhood cafĂ© would be perfect for the area” - it’s not an either/or option, nobody wants to put a cafĂ© in there?

They can get their lattes at Na Piarsaigh

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And the DOC has just opened a cafĂ© in Caherdavin, he doesn’t need anybody taking his business.

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It’s a fine job too. Quiet when I was in there but did a surprising amount of takeaways.
Could do with a better selection of eats though.

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There was a cafe to go in there. But as soon as he started renovating, the word is Davy put up the rent, so he pulled the plug.

We have no latte machine on-site unfortunately.

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Drove through kilmallock earlier, no offence to anybody but it really needs a serious lick of paint, it’s as rundown a town as you’ll see anywhere. There’s really no excuse for leaving the Main Street looking like it does, a literal luck of paint would be a start

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Now @balbec you have been told.

They need to put the Limerick flag back up on the castle. Full time @balbec

Shame on me

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The flags are up on my house the whole time

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The polarks are big hurling fans. You’ve learned them well

Typical that somebody takes it as a personal insult :grinning:
Somebody who hasn’t lived there in 40 years :man_shrugging:

Bruff and Charleville aren’t up to much but Kilmallock is in an awful way

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You can say the same about any shithole county town in the country. Rte ran a piece last night on a fund to revitalise small towns and did the report from moate. A notorious shit hole. Tipp will get a lot of money from it.


Probably not the best of days to be travelling through any town. Wet, damp and miserable time of year. I’m sure it’ll pick up in the summer. That street still gets a lot of traffic though.

Pedestrianisation and active travel will work wonders in killmallock if @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy told the green party of the potential if the M20 was giving the green light

That’s my point though, you wouldn’t see many similar sized towns quite as run down as Kilmallock, there’s barely a business open on the Main Street, the ones that are are dirty and run down looking, do they have a town council or whatever would try to improve these things?