Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Please stop referring to Emmet as a farmer.

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A pretend farmer :open_mouth:, does he post here??

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Irish rap. Fuck off.

Is there anything Irish you do like?

He’s a solicitor of some sort. He didn’t start “farming” till he ran in the election.

I went shopping at Tesco in Roxboro over the weekend. While queuing up outside to get in there was a homeless looking junkie fella straddling the space between both the entrance and the exit politely asking passers by for change. I entered the store just before 6pm and left a bit after 6pm. As I came out I found it unusual that homeless begger no. 1 had been replaced by a new fella, doing the same thing now in the same spot.

As I drove home then I passed begger no. 1 walking away from the area, so it was like his ‘shift’ had ended at 6pm and a new fella took over his corner. Would this be normal for beggars to share hotspots and take turns at different allocated times to stand there?

As an aside I passed a big Polish supermarket in the area that I hadn’t seen before. Anyone been in there and would it be worth a shop instead of Tesco and the likes or would it be unusual for non poles to shop there?

I go in the odd time for a look. Tis a fine shop, you’d get some unusual stuff in there you might not get elsewhere, but by and large it’s just Polish versions of everything. They’ve a big selection of Polish Beer & Spirits.

Would it be busy? Many Irish shipping there?

Nah full of Eastern Europeans, but they wouldn’t throw you out like

Would they have that bison grass vodka?


@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy check this out, a load of Eastern Europeans shopping at a central European supermarket.


It’s hardly surprising mate

They would. They’ve every flavour of vodka going. The Poles seem to love a vodka with a taste in it

Some tack altogether. You wouldnt thinking when someone offers it to you

Great gear.


They only started drinking beer here in the last twenty years or so.

Is that the one beside Brendan Walsh?


Any videos? Surly some score had their phone out