Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

‘Some men see things as they are and say why, I dream things that never were and say, why not’ – George Bernard Shaw

" I hear about things that are coming & I say it will take too long, grrrrrrrr" @StoneCold

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush…

“The climate emergency is now” @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

“I’m satisfied with 4 or 5 repackaged announcements of the same project. There is no necessity to expedite public infrastructure projects which would reduce Ireland’s carbon footprint in a climate emergency” also @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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many hands make light work/too many cooks spoil the broth

Which is it bro?

The Foynes rail project has beeb given an 18 month construction time from the awarding of the tender in November. It seems pretty tight

that doesnt tie back to @StoneCold 20 year estimate

Throw money at it…

Brian Leddin’s toxic masculinity requires a lot of carbon offsets. According to “prominent female business person”.

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Can’t wait to have the cement laden tanker trains puffing their way through the village again, it has been too long.


Hopefully I’ll be able to “procure” some old sleepers for my garden during the upgrade works.



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I thought this happened about a year ago.

Sounded familiar. They seem to be upping the apple tart production.

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They are an industry disrupter. Really upset the apple tart.


That’ll upset someones apple tart.

Their bread is class

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All things come to those who wait. *

  • Clearly an erroneous statement. We’re waiting 90 years for a senior title.
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I heard a yarn that JP wanted to set up a steam train to being peeple on cruise ships docked in foynes to the big house. How true that is, is as close to a load of bollocks to my knowledge

Yerrah yer not all bad. We ca agree on somethings public transport and active travel, particularly in urban areas i fully support. This is a great move well done

Is there hassle about sone monument on Barringtons Quay, I see some usual suspects lining up on opposing sides as to the location

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Where’s Barringtons Quay?