Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Jaysus i only wayched the video of the pat kenny show last night for the laugh. What dod he get himself in trouble for last year again?

Booker Prize for fiction contender right there.

You owe Teresa Carmody’s family an apology


An old one, but its hilarious all the same.


I only found out the poor young fella is related to my brother in law. (I am away so would have been out of the loop the last week or so)

That’s a classic.

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A project manager, to oversee the painting of a bridge

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Tragic. His mother is a class act.

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Limerick Twitter. Probably deserves a thread of its own

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It proves that An Taisce and green party members are unhinged individuals.

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They should run a charity boxing night. Was the turning point for the hurlers.


Would have thought An Taisce were still communicating by snail mail.

It’s mad that a load of unelected weirdos have so much input into our planning process.

These 15 people involved in Limerick twitter think themselves very important.

I’m reminded of Paddy Kavanagh everytime I see their latest flare up

I have lived in important places, times
When great events were decided; who owned
That half a rood of rock, a no-man’s land
Surrounded by our pitchfork-armed claims.
I heard the Duffys shouting ‘Damn your soul!’
And old McCabe stripped to the waist, seen
Step the plot defying blue cast-steel –
‘Here is the march along these iron stones’
That was the year of the Munich bother. Which
Was more important? I inclined
To lose my faith in Ballyrush and Gortin
Till Homer’s ghost came whispering to my mind.
He said: I made the Iliad from such
A local row. Gods make their own importance.


The important thing to take from it is that Brian and Elisa were romantically involved and it seems she didn’t take the break up well. Someone in the WhatsApp group showed her a couple of messages of her being called a cunt and she has run a year long campaign calling it a misogynistic WhatsApp group run by the Green party :smiley:


Easy lad her fans will be along shortly.Looks like everything in the WhatsApp messages was correct about her.Always be wary of these wimmin who love cats.

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Auld Herman Kelly was a great man to wind up the Limerick folk

Explaining = Losing

Ok elisa, what evs.

Good to see @Cheasty got the bus down to fight fascism.


The important thing to take from it is that it’s fine for a woman to say she would ride another woman but not for a man to say the same thing.

You could guess where it was, front hasn’t changed much