Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Is this the New York thing?

Itā€™s an anywhere on the planet thing really.

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Christ but that is a sad method of going through effort.

@Locke needs an intervention. One of the needy Tipperary posters should oblige.

At least nobody is saying that Limerick Junction (Co. Tipperary) is not a bleak and cold place. We have some consensus on that.

A lonesome place

Grim as fuck.

Youā€™d wonder why they couldnā€™t plant a few trees around the place

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country music running GIF by Granger Smith

Plant a few trees is it? The cunts out there would do even less work FFS.

Getting serious now.

IrishCycle.com ā€“ Limerick to build one of Irelandā€™s first continuous suburbs to city centre cycle routes

@Julio_Geordio and @backinatracksuit will never allow this

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@Julio_Geordio bottled tearing down the Covid warning sign outside the park. Heā€™ll do nothing

Likely to be nawful lot of Nimbys on that stretch of road. Would be great if they can successfully implement it.

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I am all in favour, the SCR crowd are up in arms because they will lose parking spaces, most of the cunts are too lazy to open their front gates. I think they are actually missing a trick not completely segregating it and using the old race course

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This scheme seems to just entail painting bits of the road orange and asking cars not to hit cyclists.


Iā€™d be willing to adhere to that on a trial basis, as long as any cyclist opting not to use the lane is fair game.


Theyā€™ll be easy to target as well, clad in brightly coloured lycra and distracted by lowering their PB.

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Iā€™m not reading that, it looks very boring, makes no difference to me, Iā€™m not on the SCR and I barely need a car, I think itā€™s a great idea but Iā€™d have sympathy with the generally aged residents of the SCR proper, they mostly donā€™t have driveways.

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Cycle lanes have the place fucking ruined, absolute waste of money.

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