Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

That’ll learn you

It’s a done deal (hopefully) because it’s a very sensible proposal, it has the backing of everybody bar some very vocal and mostly very elderly locals. It also crucially has the backing of Mary I.
Are you local? I couldn’t understand anybody with a working pair of legs under them opposing this


Yup not listening to you anymore :grinning:

He wouldn’t want to be mixing with the townies.

Are these older people losing parking? Wasn’t this originally supposed to be on O’Connell ave if i remember? Except you have money, local politicians and even judges there so it was shunted to the narrow SCR which is predominantly inhabited by older people. Maybe you should save some of your vilification for the local politicians that shunted the project from the much wider O’Connell ave ?

I would say there is more money on SCR than O’Connell avenue. There should probably be a bike lane on both really

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Wait a minute; OAPs with the travel pass to go where they want in Oirland for nothing want street level parking for their cages on already congested roads, disadvantaging other road users? This needs to be reviewed countrywide @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


This is the road

Why Bike Lanes Make Your Property Prices Skyrocket (icebike.org)

House prices boosted by proximity to bike lanes, finds new research - BikeBiz

i dont they ever had parking mate unless you think people have a right to store cars on public roads at the expense of safety for VRU

Any house that doesn’t have front parking there has parking to the back doesn’t it?

ah ffs, they are blocking making a road safer for kids because they are too lazy to park in the back?

Or they’re after buying more than one car in an area with plenty of public transport

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Active solicitors, politicians and judges reside on O’Connell avenue… A much more logical place for it, but hey… The pensioners are the bad guys.

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You can park there, there is no single line down the middle, or single or double yellow lines on the sides of the road. Cars can park in that road, legally.

Maybe if cyclists done a theory test or learned the rules of the road they could share the space safely instead of needing all these lanes to themselves


Im not opposed to it at all pal… it’s how it’s being sold to you is the problem.

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im not saying its not legal, im saying its a massive land grab to assume that you can store a car on a public road

people driving cars are the biggest cause of kindermoord in ireland mate

Stick up ballinacurra / O’Connell ave in comparison

I’m not vilifying anybody? There will be at least one parking space for every house. O Connell Avenue/Ballinacurra road is a main artery into the city, that’s a different plan.

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Youre clearly vilifying those opposing it yet you held silent when the local big whigs did the same on O’Connell ave. It’s become clear to me that you are in bed with certain political individuals in Limerick

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