Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Its not an assumption, you can store a car on that road.

What about people with buggies or an old person living in those houses with a wheelchair, park 20 minutes away there so i can cycle in to town in my own lane

you can for now, but VRUs will take precedence over people storing cars

What percentage of time is a car in use?

Put simply, we just don’t use our cars very much. Transportation adviser Paul Barter has confirmed longstanding claims by urban planners that, on average, cars are parked 95% of the time

what’s the big deal about emmissions then… gimme back my fucking carbon tax



transport is one slice in the emmissions pie

Gimme back my carbon tax

How to much if the total is transport?

16% mate

It’s not the great enemy so?

Agriculture, Energy use in Industry and Residential are all worse

Yet you’ve lads here looking to lynch pensioners when they were silent when the same project was opposed by solicitors, local politicians and judges 500 yards up the road.

the same lads were saying pensioners couldn’t walk down the footpath yesterday and using them as a crutch for their argument. This is what you’re up against. You can’t park there because pensioners have to walk there, pensioners can’t park there either, they’ll have to walk 15 minutes back to their house so I can cycle

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happy enough to make agriculture the no 1 target

Go for it. I’ll be a silent supporter

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they can park in their driveways or in the space at the back of their houses

I always go to Icebike.org and Bikebiz for my unbiased views on the impact of cycling and to obtain estimates on the trajectory of house prices.

Nevertheless I’ll wait to see what Brian Leddin, “Prominent Female businesswoman” and Cllr Elisa have to say before I choose a side.

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The ones I like the best are the cunts who put bollards in front of their houses to stop anyone else parking on “their” patch of public road.


Two of those reside where the original lane was proposed for. Leddin is out on NCR.

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They’re making the SCR one way and sending everyone up ballinacura avenue ? :rofl:

It will be a nightmare.