Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Itā€™s a minor street in a provincial town ffs. Weā€™re not talking Piccadilly Circus here.


Will cycle lanes be the fast track to house price rises? | Ireland | The Sunday Times (thetimes.co.uk)

everyone or just cagers?

If you live at the top of scr youā€™ll have to drive all the way around by laurel hill if youā€™re coming from raheen side and back up the road.


Longer distances and more tailbacks = more emmissions

Its already one of the most congested spots in the city.

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Donā€™t mind that fella, heā€™s in one of his moods.

But youā€™re right. Traffic there some evenings tails all the way from the city centre right out to Raheen.

i think the forum has a good saying about traffic

What does the South Circular Road circle?

Itā€™s not even nearly circular really; a mild curve at best.



Would it be more of a parabola.


Yes we shouldnā€™t try to improve the lot of vulnerable road users because it might inconvenience people who wonā€™t get out of their cars to cross a small town.

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Iā€™m backing these frail, vulnerable pensioners who have worked hard all their lives.


You seem to know more about it than me, Iā€™m only taking second hand info, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s correct, assuming by the top you mean the Further away from town end.
Every house will have a parking spot, a lot of those houses have parking behind.
And I drive out the Ballinacurra road towards Raheen, and back in a couple of times every week, during what youā€™d think was rush hour, itā€™s really not congested at all.
Iā€™ll need to look at the plans now :grinning:

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A large number of those cagers will be going out to Clare and /or areas not serviced by direct public transport. Adding more misery to people just trying to get home after a days graft is hardly worth celebrating, but youre entitled to get your kicks where you want i suppose.

The real crime is the support of the political elite and monied solicitors who originally opposed this project outside their own door and painting the poor pensioners as devils who are mainly echoing the same complaints :person_shrugging:t2:

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More cunting bike lanes fuck off with them, the sooner those Green apes are gone the better. Shower of smelly bastards the lot of em.

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The person who lives in the area says itā€™s not congested at all. :man_shrugging:t5:

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I think itā€™s very obvious that this person is clearly compromised and is in bed with certain political figures in the area.

I believe you have an animus against one of the political figures also.


That has been over egged, by myself in some part. Im against all corruption equally. But Iā€™ll admit Iā€™m no fan.