Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Steady on lad you do know common sense isnt all that common anymore

Where are we talking about here?


Agreed. Iā€™d like to see some pensioners lynched please. If Iā€™ve no parents nobody else should either.

You canā€™t touch Oā€™Connell Ave. Declan Hannon lives there.


The bottom of whatever the North circular road circles I suppose

A main artery from the city to the suburbs and beyond, completely unsuited to this type of project, thereā€™s already a bike lane from Punches Cross to out past Raheen

When a kid dies will you still back them

Careful sham @thelimericks are circling

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South circling


Ah theyā€™re only on the wind up

They donā€™t appear to have a sense of humour so I donā€™t know lad


I couldnā€™t give a monkeyā€™s whether they build it or not. But a consultation appears pointless when it already seems to be a fair accompli.

Doesnā€™t the cat councillor live there too?

When I said it was a done deal I was referring to the massive local support for it, and the council are keen to be seen as progressive. Are you local to the area?
There is a very loud minority opposing it, but I donā€™t think they have a strong case, every house without a driveway will have a parking space very close to their house, thereā€™s not a huge amount of them, nobody should be entitled to more than one in this day and age within a mile of a city centre, there will be more parking nearby.
Itā€™s a good plan, nobody is badly put out


I want to see solicitors with walking sticks fighting with cycling hipsters at Fennesseys roundabout


Cyclists and Vegans are trying to make a fuck of society in the last few years. Stand tough lads.

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Could there not be one from Athlunkard Street the whole way out to Raheen? Itā€™s a straight line and would show Limerick as a leader in cycling infrastructure.

Just throwing it out there.

I donā€™t see the issue with the SCR one, for what itā€™s worth.

Could they utilise Limericks famous grid system and convert a line of the lanes to a cycle way?

Youā€™d have people coming from all over to experience it, the fashion quarter, the mobile phone repairs shop quarter, the rugby museum, the Three/four/five in-a-row exhibition, etc etc.