Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Thatā€™s before you take the Rileys and Caseys using that road as a racetrack for their scramblers.

A bloody nuisance is all they are


Curtin crowd are always gowl acting around there on them.

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One lad cracked his head open like an egg on one few months back doing wheelies on main road, hopefully few more follow suit.

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The traffic isnt going to improve when the road works finish. Itā€™s one lane now, itā€™ll be one lane when finished. That said I donā€™t really need to come that direction anymore so fuck the lot of ye, itā€™ll be a huge improvement to city.


Theyā€™re a curse.

Undertaking cars, going around the roundabout the wrong way etc.

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The bottleneck at the moment is between Mathew Bridge and William street, think that is to be two lanes

The only way to attack the city now is park up by the train station or out around oā€™connell avenue and walk in. Or park on clancy strand and walk over. Once you go beyond Henry street garda station you are finished.

The middle of the city shouldnā€™t be for cars anyway. They should have got rid of the cars altogether. Would have been great craic

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Or pery square. Very underrated spot to park in.

To be fair that is beside the train station. Less chance of damage to your car though.

What really pisses me off about that one is that there is a pile of green space beside that stretch of road that they could have steered the bike lane into, making it a more appealing for cyclists, and instead they just wedged everything onto the existing road.

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I was driving up that road towards Roxboro the other day and there was a wanker on a bike holding up all the traffic by cycling up the main road and there two bike lanes on the other side.


Arrogant cunts.

Probably like the cunt in crosshaven who wouldnā€™t use the cycle lane there as he couldnā€™t go fast enough

And when theyā€™re done send them up to Cork to start the event centre pls

Lads not painting a very good picture of Limerick city here

A bold statement.

Why? Iā€™ve lived in Limerick City for 21 years, raised a family etc, you wonā€™t hear me running it or itā€™s people down.
Itā€™s not perfect but I wonā€™t ever live anywhere else.
Of course il never be accepted :joy:


Proper order

Itā€™s actually dangerous on St Nessans Road passing UHL now. Whatever about putting in cycle lanes, the stupid cunts have put a load of taxi spaces, spaces that will never be taken up by taxis as they donā€™t ever queue there. Meaning the two lanes of traffic are wedged dangerously close together now. The road & footpath works mean thereā€™s now a temporary pedestrian lights system with no markings on the roadā€¦ā€¦j-walking is ongoing there. Fellas just walk out in front of you without any notice.

Was it ever three lanes? I donā€™t think so, itā€™s as wide as it needs to be for 2 lanes surely, and of course it is used by cyclists, there probably is a way to widen that stretch Iā€™d say, thereā€™s space to the left of the footpath all the way, it would probably take 5 years to do it though :grinning: