Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

it’s very dangerous. The cars have no where to pull if an ambulance or fire brigade have to go down that main artery and it’s nearly always jammed

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The gormless fucker doesn’t even dignify a reply at this stage.

congrats everyone - want Green, Vote Green


“metropolitan” area. You’d swear we were NYC, with the tri state area of Clare, Limk, Tipp…

Local scumbag vandals will be delighted.

Limerick is a place of work, education, a destination for sport and enjoyment and provides health care for a region stretching from Ennis to Nenagh. It’s rightly called the Limerick metropolitan area.


What will be run out of this train station is it shuttle trains into town servicing locals and park and ride or what is the story with it? Seems ambitious anyway tbf

Great news.

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Trains to Colbert Station in town. Minimum of nine services per day each way (which sounds pretty low but is a start anyway), taking nine minutes.

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Wonder whereabouts it will be located, just beyond the stop at the halting site maybe

9 minutes for fuck sake.

The policy of building stations where there is a train track rather than where they actually need them is so fucking stupid its difficult to believe they are actually going to go ahead with it.

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I presume it will just be another stop on the Galway train. They won’t be actually adding a service.

Next stop Maigh Rois, be some serious Galwegian arse clinching for that one.


Be great for lads buying their drugs, they won’t have to go into Moyross, just meet their man at the station - 18 mins and you’ll be back in the city off your chops.


The Pat McDonagh cunts will be shaking when some lad walks on with a piebald


Just had a look there and surprise surprise there are nine trains from Limerick to Galway tomorrow.

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There was a stop / Station at long pavement from 19th century to the 20s/ 30s. Im almost certain the big house you see just before you go over the bridge to Parteen was the main contributor to the line when it was being built… These landed cunts all over the country had stops to service their big houses so goods and the likes could reach them from the mainland.

Quinsborough house?

That’s the one… I think anyway.