Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

I’m shocked at that figure if true.

I always assumed they were full of non-nationals. You’d see them going in and out side-doors on that street.

Yeah good point im not a construction guy so would miss a few things. Could you stick fire escapes out the back like they have in US? Or is that not allow by the regulations

Maybe they are squatting? They use the post office as well the feckers

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I’d say the people doing the walking tours must feel rightly mugged off

Its possible but the likihood is that you’d have to eliminate the windows opening out onto it and have your own exit to public space. Not really practical.There have been a lot of attempts to do it but none succeed. Funnily enough (not funny really) if you have a load of flats existing and you dont need to go for planning then work away as is. The building regs only kick in if you are actually doing something that requires plannning.

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Post reported.

Not those type of non-nationals.
They have swanky apartments with quick exit back doors.
Or so I’m told anyway…

Post reported.

Nineteen dogs have been seized following a search operation in Co Limerick today.

Gardaí conducted a joint-agency search operation at a residence in Pallasgreen at approximately midday today.

The search was conducted by gardaí from Bruff and Pallasgreen Garda Stations, alongside personnel from Limerick City and County Council.

Nineteen dogs were seized under Section 45 of the Animal Health and Welfare Act 2013, following an inspection by veterinary officials.

The dogs included 15 pit bull terriers, two Alsatians and two Rottweilers.

It is understood the search and seizures took place as a result for concerns over the animals’ welfare.

All three dog types are restricted breeds.

The dogs are currently in the care of a dog shelter in the Southern Region where they are receiving care and medical attention.

No arrests have been made in relation to the seizures.

A Garda spokesperson said investigations into the incident are ongoing.


Taos hum, meteor disintegrating or a ufo are my guesses

The Limerick doggy dog set are an abomination

Brilliant, hopefully the climate plan means that shit like this will never be built


It should be re-submitted as a 15 lane bike super highway bypass. When it opens we can plough over the cunts.

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great idea mate, withdraw plans for the motorway & start from scratch

You realise the main reason for the new road to Foynes is to allow it be developed as a green energy hub? It is currently the main port for landing wind turbines that get shipped in from abroad but the existing road structure is severely limiting capacity.

Did you think the wind turbines grew out of the ground?

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raging :grinning:

Limerick to Foynes rail reinstatement - Shannon Foynes Port | Bulk Cargo Handling (sfpc.ie)

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy WE NEED MORE WIND ENERGY

Also @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy I am against building the infrastructure to allow more wind energy be created


Irish Rail starts works on Foynes-Limerick rail line (railway-technology.com)

You obviously have zero experience in the transportation of wind turbines.

Where would the wind turbines go if they were put on a train? Trains need to stay on their rails. They can’t go up hillsides to wind farms.