Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

trains need to stay on their rails - ok mate, thanks for the insightful comment

SNCF Geodis moves wind turbines by rail - International Railway Journal (railjournal.com)

Where are they moving them to?

They can be loaded onto cargo bikes and distributed using our extensive Greenway network.


@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy seems to want to load turbines from ships onto trains, which will then offload these monstrosities onto trucks in the middle of cities and then transport them to their final destination

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are you struggling with the concept of how freight trains work mate

Explain it to me so there.
Iā€™m guessing youā€™ve never seen one these being transported.

Youā€™ve him nailed here.

What he is on the path to suggesting) he hasnā€™t actually suggested it yet because he hasnā€™t a clue) would be far less energy efficient and more damaging to the environment than simply putting them straight onto trucks and getting them to where they need to go overnight


When they transported the parts for the wind turbine down to Currabinny, Co. Cork, they had to cut through fields to get it to itā€™s final ā€˜resting placeā€™. Theyā€™re fucking huge! The blades on this wind turbine were 50 metres each.


Your man only sees them from very very far away. They donā€™t look that big then, you see.


They are regularly transported near me, theyā€™ve had to re-align roundabouts, run rolling road closures and modify road layouts just to get them through the existing road network.

Getting these straight off the boat onto a good quality road network would be a game changer as they are currently restricted to moving them late at night as they have to travel on unsuitable roads.


Itā€™s a fair sight to see them travelling in convoy up a hill road in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere. Some operation

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Iā€™ve been caught by the Ferry Bridge a good times on Sunday nights.

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Tell us moreā€¦ā€¦

Some inconvenience being made pull intona gateway by the guards escorting the turbines coming in the n69

The turbines need a garda escort to be brought along the current road as the trucks canā€™t fit in a single lane. The Gardai operate rolling road closures along the route. Happens on a nightly basis when thereā€™s a shipment in.

They had to remove the trees on the roadabout in Clarina and the Dock road so the trucks could drive straight over them.

Murdering young trees

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and his ā€œfreight trainā€ is gone very quiet.


Have a look at the video

Glad your opening position has changed from we need a new road to transport wind turbines to wind turbines are being transported pretty well as is

Theres no turbine blades on it. Plus look at the clearance around the track. Foynes to limerick doesnt have that nevermind getting up the country.

He hasnā€™t a clue whatā€™s involved. He googled ā€œwind turbines trainā€ and got that video back.

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