Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

how would someone know it was gone to .online. Thatā€™s fairly dodgy

we know who it is too

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Has Mouse gone to ground?

Its great to see democracy in its best form win out there today.

Joe giving a Tour de France.

Big City living


As previously promised, Thomas Brady retired at 3.50am last Monday morning when the NFL season ended

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He needed a break

Listen, when @thelimericks are going well during the summer, heā€™ll be back in here like a big swinging dick

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Whatā€™s gone can never returnā€¦

The only man here with a bit of integrity

In 10 years time cars will largely be a thing of the past. More and more people will be living in towns, villages and cities. theyā€™ll be working from home and walking/cycling to work.

Iā€™d be all for massive taxes on anybody living
In the Countryside for no reason and also a massive increase on car tax. Even a fee for every km you commute to work for.

Theyā€™ll be cycling/walking to their own house will they?

Iā€™d gladly pay extra if i didnā€™t have to live alongside someone like you. Iā€™m all for it

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Yes itā€™s relatively normal in major cities. People donā€™t drive.

Ireland destroyed its countryside with a linear housing programme. Itā€™s bizarre.

Ireland is in grave danger of turning into a very bad version of America.

Thereā€™ll be nobody working at all at all in 10 years.

R2D2 will be running the show from a data centre in Athlone and weā€™ll all be getting ā‚¬1k a week from a special EU fund being administered from Brussels by Jackie Healy-Rae Jnr. Thatā€™s the way it going now.


The linear housing programme is also the reason why weā€™ve such a shit public transport system.

I just never got the concept of people moving to the countryside. Building a massive house and spending 30 or 40 years paying back the bank for it. Then running two cars to get everywhere. School, the shop, the pub, church etc all a drive away.

And donā€™t get me started on fellas with lawns the size of gaa pitchā€™s and spending hours cutting them.

I just find it so odd but it will change for sure and sooner than many will expect.

If the future doesnā€™t involve an island in the kitchen and a below ground trampoline on an acre with a ride on mower, Iā€™m not sure what the point of it will be.


If you visit the Cotswolds youā€™d notice it. You can drive for miles With beautiful sandstone walls on either side of the road with not a house in site.

Youā€™d then happen a vibrant little village with markets, restaurants, shops and pubs. With the church and the school near bye.

So many villages and towns in Ireland are just dead now while the country roads are lit up with these houses.

Living in an apartment in town is ideal in your 20ā€™s. Thing is after that if you donā€™t have a big budget you can end up beside scumbags depending on how lucky or unlucky you are in a semi-d across the board. Unfortunately people can end up paying for a house for 30 years living alongside cunts who are dealing drugs, domestic violence etc

Thereā€™s pros and cons to what youā€™re saying for sure but I think the older you get the more you value the bit of peace and quiet out in the country without any hassle.

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